Photographs: Lucas Jackson/Reuters
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: A Taiwan army ground crew run towards US made attack helicopters during a demonstration.Photographs: Simon Kwong/Reuters
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: France's Defence Minister Herve Morin (front R) and Spain's Defence Minister Carme Chacon.Photographs: Javier Barbancho/Reuters
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: A soldier from the 1st Royal Welsh batallion waits for a chinook helicopter to land.Photographs: Phil Noble/Reuters
England: $58.1 billion (Rs 271,800 crore) London increased military spending 28.1 percent over the decade. As a percentage of GDP, that's 2.5 percent, and about in line with the world average of 2.7 percent.
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: Russian soldiers board a Mi-26 helicopter near GroznyPhotographs: Reuters
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force 1st Airborne Brigade duringt an annual new year military exercisePhotographs: Toru Hanai/Reuters
Japan: $51 billion (Rs 239,000 crore). The world's second-largest economy is focusing revenues away from military, decreasing such spending by 1.3 percent over the past decade. That's less than 1 percent of total GDP
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: Soldiers in historical uniforms march during a military parade in the Black Sea port of SevastopolPhotographs: Gleb Garanich/Reuters
Germany: $45.6 billion (Rs 213,700 crore). The biggest economy in Europe has gradually shifted revenues away from defence, causing a 6.7 percent drop in military spending over the past decade.
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: Saudi Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz, returns a salute to Saudi soldiersPhotographs: Fahad Shadeed/Reuters
Saudi Arabia: $41.2 billion (RS 193,110 crore). The biggest military spender in the Middle East has increased defense investments 66.9 percent over the past decade.
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: An Indian Army Dhruv helicopter operates during 'Yudh Abhyas 09', a joint Indo-US training exercisePhotographs: Adnan Abidi/Reuters
India: $36.3 billion (Rs 170,430 crore). The only Asian country in the top 15 aside from rival China. India spent the ninth highest amount of any country worldwide. That's a 67.3 percent increase over the decade, according to SIPRI. But per capita military spending in India the world's second most-populous country is one of the world's lowest, at just $30.4 (about Rs 1,427) per person.
World's top 10 military spenders
Image: A photo of Italian army Sergeant Major Roberto Valente who was killed by a car bomb in AfghanistanPhotographs: Ciro De Luca /Reuters