Kanjhawala: 11 cops on duty that night suspended
January 13, 2023  15:01
Kanjhawala case: Delhi Police suspends 11 personnel on duty in PCR vans, at pickets in Rohini district at time of incident, say officials. 

The case pertains to the gruesome January 1 incident in which 20-year-old Anjali Singh, who was riding a scooter, was found dead on the street after being allegedly hit and dragged for several kilometres by a car driven by five youths in Outer Delhi's Khanjawala area. 

On Thursday, taking cognizance of a detailed Delhi Police report on the case, the Ministry of Home Affairs recommended suspending police personnel deployed in three PCR vans and at two police pickets, said officials. These police personnel were on duty at the time of the incident.
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