Dalai Lama thinks Oz PM Julia Gillard's male
June 14, 2011  16:13

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was caught in a public gaffe today when he referred to Australia's first woman Prime Minister Julia Gillard as "him".

Questioned on whether he was disappointed that Julia Gillard, would not be meeting him during his Australia visit, the 75-year-old spiritual leader replied: "No."   

"If your prime minister has some kind of spiritual interest then of course my meeting would be useful," he said. "Otherwise, I have nothing to ask him (Gillard).

"Also, you see, there's no point to seek advice from him (Gillard)," the Dalai Lama, who is on an 11-day tour of Australia to give a series of lectures on Tibetan Buddhism and his life, was quoted as saying by Australian Associated Press. 

The Dalai Lama, who used "him" to refer Gillard, 49, was later corrected by one of his aides who quickly said "Her." 

Realising his mistake, the Buddhist monk laughed and said, "Oh, from her."

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