No time to discuss amendments: Bansal
December 29, 2011  23:51
PK Bansal: All those amendments needs to be studied, good many amendments, needs time. The amendments are running cross to each other. The discussions were going on, but our friends from the other side got agitated. If you want a well-considered Lokpal, you want all the amendments to be taken up immediately, there are a good many of them. How will the secretariat decide? Suggestion is, government decides when Parliament has to meet, time fixed by business advisory committee. If we want to bring a bill without lacunae, in Lok Sabha government had time, accepted good many of the amendments. We came today at 10.30, Mr Ahluwalia's amendment came at 6.30 pm today. I am saying, in order to have a lacunae-free bill, the minister has to reply, the session is coming to an end at midnight, we can continue with this bill, and I wish to assure all honourable members consider all amendment, we will come with our response, that is the government's prerogative, government has to decide, we wanted to complete in three days, had a lot of formalities to be gone through.
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