Thu, 29 December 2011
Govt that runs away from vote, cant be in power: Jaitley

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23:55   Jaitley tears into government over plea to adjourn

Chairmen then sought leader of opposition Arun Jaitleys views: Sir, I am from the opposition, but I still speak for the majority of the House. We saw a situation where the bill was ready, circulated yesterday, they saw the bill and said they will take it up today, not yesterday. A government which did not have the numbers in this House, and I says this consciously, has choreographed the debate in such a manner that it cannot be completed today. It is a choreography by a minority government. If any government runs away from Parliament, such a government cannot continue in office. I beseech you, Mr Chairman, let the House decide how long the session will go on, not the government.

23:51   No time to discuss amendments: Bansal
PK Bansal: All those amendments needs to be studied, good many amendments, needs time. The amendments are running cross to each other. The discussions were going on, but our friends from the other side got agitated. If you want a well-considered Lokpal, you want all the amendments to be taken up immediately, there are a good many of them. How will the secretariat decide? Suggestion is, government decides when Parliament has to meet, time fixed by business advisory committee. If we want to bring a bill without lacunae, in Lok Sabha government had time, accepted good many of the amendments. We came today at 10.30, Mr Ahluwalia's amendment came at 6.30 pm today. I am saying, in order to have a lacunae-free bill, the minister has to reply, the session is coming to an end at midnight, we can continue with this bill, and I wish to assure all honourable members consider all amendment, we will come with our response, that is the government's prerogative, government has to decide, we wanted to complete in three days, had a lot of formalities to be gone through.
Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs PK Bansal is currently speaking, explaining the situation to the members, while Arun Jaitley interrupts saying that we will sit the whole night!
23:45   A lot of questions over the ruckus

Meanwhile, Twitter, that epitome of free spirit, has gone ballistic over the adjournment. Here's a sample:

 @Sharnarthee says: Hope U r watching debates & deciding hu 2 send back 2 parliament & who 2 send packing in nxt elections. Vote smart & u won't need any Lokpal

@visaraj: Arrogance with which Rajniti Prasad tore the bill, They need to suspend this guy from RS.

@sandeep_bamzai: House adjourned till 11.43, what is going on? What is the veepee planning? Game over - lokpal - consigned to the rubbish heap of history

@garg09: still no one is asking for whom rajneeti prasad was doing this drama?

@eeta: It's generally MPs from Lalu's party and Mulayam's party who are the most ill-behaved in Parliament.

@KanchanGupta: Match poised at an exciting point. Which way will it go?

23:30   Narayanswamy has a problem with Yechuri's suggestion

Narayanswamy pointed out that one of the amendments submitted by Yechuri was that the Lokpal be an eminent jurist appointed by the CEC, CAG and the UPSC chairman. These three officials are themselves appointed by the government, but Yechuri doesn't want the government to appoint the Lokpal, what is this logic, Narayanswamy wants to know.

Meanwhile, the chairman has adjourned the House for 15 minutes following the ruckus.

23:23   Honourable minister has capacity to go on: Yechuri
Sitaram Yechuri stands up to ask if the session will go past midnight, or it will take a break and resume tomorrow. To which the chairman says 12 O clock is a long way off. But, Yechuri interjected, the honourable minister has the capacity to go on. At which the chairman laughed, and said no no, he doesn't.
23:21   'BJP in standing committee supported constitutional status'
Another point in Narayanswamy's arsenal against the BJP was that while it voted to defeat the constitutional status for the Lokpal in the Lok Sabha, it had said it would support constitutional status in its dissenting note issued to the standing committee report on the Lokpal. But again, here in the Rajya Sabha they are creating a ruckus over it.
23:18   Protests in Rajya Sabha as debate winds up
It's all happening on the floor of the Rajya Sabha. Even as Union Minister of State in the PMO V Narayanswamy sums up the government's response to the preceding daylong debate, Rashtriya Janata Dal member Rajniti Prasad walks up to his table to tear copies of the Lokpal Bill and throw it in the well of the house, there are members shouting slogans 'waapas karo, waapas karo'.
23:16   Confusion over 50 pc reservations: Simultaneous or rorational?
The CPM's Sitaram Yechuri stands up to point out that in the morning it was pointed out (by Singhvi) that the reservation of 50 pc for SC/ST, women, OBCs and minorities will be done through rotation, going by which Narayanswamy's statement is confusing, so can there be a clarification on this point. In his reply, the minister reads out Section 3 of the bill which says not less than 50 pc of the membership will be reserved for these five sections. But no one is any wiser.
23:11   Narayanswamy interrupted in his tirade against BJP
Narayanswamy's next salvo against the Opposition benches, notably the BJP's, is their opposition to the reservation in the Lokpal for minorities. As he fulminates, a member stands up to point out that what Narayanswamy is saying is in divergence with what Abhishek Manu Singhvi had said, and they had been listening to the debate all day long. Following this, there are voices raised against the bill, in particular RJD's Ram Kripal Yadav, with the chairman desperately trying to restore order.
23:05   Narayanswamy picks holes in BJP's case
V Narayanaswamy picks holes in the BJP's arguments, and points out how the NDA's Lokpal bill, which did not want the prime minister under the Lokpal's ambit. But now the same BJP wants the PM to be included under the Lokpal's ambit.
In closing, Rajniti Prasad says his party is in opposition to the Lokpal Bill, and continues despite the chairman's entreaties to resume his place.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, as always, is impassive as all this theatrics is under way in the Rajya Sabha.
22:54   Lokpal bill brought in fear, says RJD member

We have a law governing how we can wave the tricolour, points out RJD's Rajniti Prasad, but we have people outside waving the flag all over, including at night, so why is it being allowed?

This law has been brought in out of fear, but I want to tell the government not to fear anything, the movement is over, says Prasad.

22:51   RJD's Rajniti Prasad is the last speaker for the day
The Rashtriya Janata Dal's Rajniti Prasad is the last one to take the mike. After he ends, hopefully, the Rajya Sabha will vote on the government's Lokpal bill.
Mohammed Shafi doesn't seem to be in any hurry to wind up despite three rings of the bell reminding him to stop his speech.
22:48   'One has to be educated to understand Lokpal'
And this is what Mumbai film director and causerati Ashok Pandit has to tweet in reply to Paswan about Anna: Ramvilas Paswan says he dosent understand the meaning of Lokpal.One has to be educated to understand Lokpal.
22:43   No need for laws like Lokpal, says Omar Abdullah

Next speaker, Mohammed Shafi of the National Conference, lists his problems with the Lokpal bill as tabled.

Even as Shafi continued, his party's chief minister in Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, has said there was no need for special laws like Lokpal as his state already had such provisions.

"What Anna Hazare is demanding today, our state has already enacted such laws long back," he told a public meeting in Ganderbal district.

Jammu and Kashmir was the first state in the country which had implemented the Public Services Guarantee Act, Omar said.

22:37   AGP member lists steps to curb black money
Succeeding Parjapati's brief speech is Kumar Deepak Das of the Asom Gana Parishad who is listing various steps the government can take to curb black money, like demonetisation of the Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes. We need corruption to be free from society, and for this strong Lokpal we have to take some fruitful steps, he suggests.
The next speaker after Paswan is Ranbir Singh Parjapati of the INLD who says it is necessary to include government employees from C and D groups also under the Lokpal's ambit.
22:26   I also live near Sonia's, Rahul's homes, says Paswan
Who is this Anna Hazare, asks Ram Vilas Paswan, to hold out threats. He is going to stage a dharna at Soniaji's and Rahulji's house, I also live there (this last line evoking a titter in the Rajya Sabha)
22:19   Delhi Lokayukta plays mediator's role

Even has state Lokayuktas come into focus following the opposition over their inclusion in the Lokpal Bill currently being voted in the Rajya Sabha, here's a heart-warming tale: Delhi Lokayukta Justice Manmohan Sarin has played the role of a mediator in resolving a dispute between two parties over the use of a community centre in South Delhi's South Extension area.

In a complaint filed by one Tarsem Chaudhary against councillor of South Extension Savita Gupta for declining permission to use a community centre for marriage of his niece, Lokayukta framed rules for allowing the facility for weddings which was accepted by local authorities as well as aggrieved parties.

22:17   Paswan takes on Anna Hazare
Turning his ire at Anna Hazare, Paswan asks, "Gandhiji would show the other cheek, but this man says you slapped only once?" How can he be called a Gandhi, Paswan wonders, how can power be given to such a man. Where has the great support for him gone in Delhi, where has it gone in Mumbai?
22:15   Paswan: Those opposing reservations have tummy ache
The LJP's Ram Vilas Paswan is the next speaker, says those opposing reservations are suffering from a "tummy ache" at the rise of the dispossessed classes, people like him who were once called 'untouchable'.
21:59   'Why did Congress not do proper floor management?'

Activist Aruna Roy tonight questioned political parties for raising objections to the provision of setting up of Lokayuktas in the Lokpal Bill, saying they did not oppose such a move earlier.

"The Sense of House resolution adopted by Parliament clearly says that Lokayuktas should be set up in states through Lokpal Bill. Nobody objected to this then. When it came to Standing Committee, nobody objected.

"Also the ruling party, why did not they do proper floor management," she said, and said the parties should realise that the country has to be provided with an anti-corruption mechanism.

Ram Kripal Yadav is explosive and fiery. He deplores how honest politicians like him have been reduced to a state where they are called 'chors', Parliament has been called a 'toilet', there's a 'limitation' to all this, and no one should cross.
21:53   RJD against Lokpal bill as it stands
The RJD's Ram Kripal Yadav comes out and says it, his party is not in support of the government's Lokpal bill as it stands. So one supposes Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee's efforts to rope in the party have failed, so far.
21:51   SS Ahluwalia wants to know when the vote will take place
The BJP's SS Ahluwalia stands up ahead of the RJD's Ram Kripal Yadav, to ask what time the vote will take place, so members can accordingly step out etc. Chairman Hamid Ansari says he has a list of speakers and the vote will happen after that.
21:40   Sonia wishes Karunanidhi a happy new year

Interestingly, even as the Congress is engaged in getting maximum votes in favour of its Lokpal Bill, party president Sonia Gandhi today extended her New Year greetings to DMK President M Karunanidhi, wishing him long life, through the DMK's parliamentary leader T R Baalu.

The DMK is among the UPA allies whose support, while essential for the vote, is not enough to get the vote through the Rajya Sabha

21:38   Congress's Hussein Dalwai rises to speak

Hussein Dalwai of the Congress rises to speak, naturally in support of the government's Lokpal Bill.

Dalwai, frankly, doesn't have much to say, so far he has been listing the history of Lokpal Bill in Parliament, and describes the present one drawn, "for the first time" with civil society inputs, as a path-breaking one.

Tapan Kumar Sen, CPI(M) speaking and concludes in a few minutes.

Chair refuses to give Mitra more time saying he has run out of time.

Mitra enraged, says, this is not right, this is not right.



Chair to Mitra: Please come to the point. If everybody speaks at the same time noone will be heard.

Mitra: I'm pointing out the role of the CBI in the 2G scam. I'm referring to the how pointless the CBI is.


PK Bansal raises a point of order, reads rule 232 which says a member while speaking shall not refer to any mater on which a judicial decision is pending.

Mitra: So I can't speak on 2G, I can't speak on CWG!! WHAT IS THIS?

Chair to Mitra: It is not for you to accept or reject a point of order



Bansal referring to Mitra says: Rajneeti inke liye dhanda hai.



PK Bansal says Mitra doesn't even know where he is standing, he needs to be reminded he is in Parliament.

Mitra: I haven't even begun. I know they are trying to create disturbances to adjourn the house. I have not said anything Parliamentary.

Chair admonishes him to confine himself to the proceedings, strikes mention of the PMs off the records.  


Chandan Mitra: Corruption runs in the genes of the Congress party. Apart from Lal Bahadur Shastri every single PM has had corruption charges against them.

Obviously, uproar from the Congress.

Chair asks Mitra to confine himself to the Lokpal debate.


Apparently if the RS session goes beyond midnight, it technically requires an OK from the President.


BJP's Chandan Mitra speaking in Parliament now.

Rajiv Shukla versus Ravi Shankar Prasad: The brothers-in-law avoid each other on television, but had a heated exchange in the Rajya Sabha today!
On Twitter: Kanchan Gupta: Can't get this. If PM is ok being under Lokpal's purview, why are some Congress MPs so hassled? They aren't going to become PM ever.

And the TMC stands firm on amendments

Pranab Mukherjee has apparently offered to drop the Lokayukta clause and the word from the bill,

TMC still says it has received no word to the effect.


So, the situation now is much the same what it was earlier.

The government still hoping regional parties will come around.

  • The govt plans to avoid a vote on the bill
  • BJP is confident of a majority and will push for a vote.
  • BJP will push for passing an amended bill.
  • BSP, SP may still hold the key to passing the bill.



A NDTV report says the government will try and duck the vote.

So if the debate continues till midnight, what happens, does the session continue or does it end and spillover to a future session. No clarity yet.

MP speaking right now, calls the Lokpal a stillborn baby.
Members filing out quietly for room #7 as MPs continue to speak.

Our Delhi correspondent tells us that the Vice President Hamid Ansari has rescheduled his departure for Hyderabad to 10 am tomorrow instead of 7 pm today since he will have to adjourn the House sine die.

Probably did not expect the debates to go on for so long.


Venkaiah Naidu asks Prof Kurien who is in the chair, how long this debate will continue. Kurien says he cannot make an estimate, but will ask MPs to cut short their speech.

Naidu asks for permission to go home, so chair says there is no need, dinner is being served in the House.

Naidu leaves for what will be the most popular room in the RS, room #7 where dinner is being served.


Nominated member Dr Ashok Ganguly speaking now. He was the chairman of Hindustan Lever.

Ganguly: There will be differences but let us not disappoint the people of this country who want action taken.

Let us pass this bill  


Rao ended his speech saying I can understand that you can be critical, but lets not become cynical.

Three honourable members file out, we presume, for dinner to room number 7.
20:24   Arrangements for dinner have been made: PK Bansal

And the announcement that all MPs have been waiting for. Parliamentary Affairs minister PK Bansal says: Arrangements for dinner have been made since the members have been sitting late. Members can go in batches for dinner.


Rao: You can't be both the jury and the judge, you are opposing the bill just for the sake of opposing it. 
Rao: You are talking because you need to talk. We are indulging in political brinkmanship.

Rao: We challenge the Civil society and the Opposition to point out one demand that has not been met. So, do you want to turn this country into a police state?

CBI is not an ombudsman it is a police institution, so if we give the Lokpal a constitutional status, nevermind if it is weak, we can still empower it to be strong.


20:15   BSP firm on Lokayukta clause, but not moved amendment

Details of the meeting between Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and representatives from the BSP and RJD.

Mukherjee, along with Parliamentary Affairs Minister P K Bansal and HRD Minister Kapil Sibal, held meetings with BSP leader Satish C Mishra and RJD chief Lalu Prasad as the debate was underway in the Rajya Sabha.

BSP has 18 members and RJD four in the 243-member House. Sources said Mishra and Prasad were asked about the stand of their parties on the Lokpal Bill and how they would vote. 

Mishra told Mukherjee that BSP was opposed to Lokayukta provision as it goes against the sprit of federalism.The government told him that it would get back, the sources said.

The BSP remained firm on its opposition to the clauses on Lokayukta although it has not moved any amendment. There were indications that BSP members would not walk out.

Meanwhile, in indications of further problems for the government, two Congress members P Kannan and Vijay Darda were not present. Congress has 71 members, altogether. 


So far:

The BJP still says it will push for an amended bill and will oppose the government's attempt to avoid a vote on the bill. The party says it is confident of a majority. The TMC says it stands firm on amendments.

Promises to be a cliffhanger.


Meanwhile, TMC says there is no information on amendments being accepted.

Govt says Pranab Mukherjee has offered the deletion of the Lokayukta word and clauses from the bill.

So, who's right? Stay with us for more.

Dr KK Rao, Congress speaks: The most perplexing paradox is that we all agree there should be a Lokpal Bill.

Kiran Kumar S on Twitter:  This might be what Ram Jethmalani hinted at Rajya Sabha. Download it before Swiss magazine removes from their website.



Uproar as soon as he says the Ganges of corruption has flowing since 2000. Koshiyari says: Chor ki dadhi mein tinka. You were not in power all through during this period, so why are you getting agitated.

BJP's BS Koshiyari speaking.
Pranab Mukherjee offers to delete Lokayukta clauses from the Bill.

In the chair now is PJ Kurien.

Bhartia is out of time, and looks embarrassed and stops. Chair asks her to continue. She says there can be no perfect bill but nothing prevents us from making changes as we go along. This is a bulwark against corruption, hope my colleagues will pass the bill leaving aside political differences. I compliment the government for including the PM under the ambit of the Lokpal.


End note: Supports the bill.

Nominated MP and Hindustan Times chairperson Shobhana Bhartia speaking now.

Shukla: Says that the Lokpal is strong. Wwe have ensured that there are checks and balances that no single individual is all-powerful or a law unto himself.  If this bill isn't strong then why do Lalu and Manohar Joshi call it a death warrant?

Ends his debate asking the House to pass the bill.

Shukla asks: Do you want an alien from Mars to come and be the Lokpal? What do you want?!
Vijay Mallya on Twitter: Just came out of Parliament for a short break. Yelling, screaming, accusations and counter accusations well beyond Lokpal! Incredible !!
Shukla: People who are cirticising the Lokpal bill wanted the PM, and group C and D under it as well as the Citizen's Charter. When your demands are being met, you want to wriggle away from voting for the bill by raising objections. 

Shukla: Bhaiyya: Lokpal mangalgrah, chandrama se Lokpal nahin aayega, hamare se aayega.

The laws have to be made so that it lasts for 100 years. Tomorrow if you are packd off to jail, don't weep.

Rajiv Shukla: Lists the bills introduced by the UPA -- judicial accountability bill, money laundering bill and asks the BJP what they did when they were in power. He asks the BJP not to question the intention of the Congress and slips this in quietly: Pramod Mahajan se poochiye 2G kaise ho gaya?
Rajiv Shukla says it is the responsibility of everyone present in the house to pass a strong Lokpal bill, not the responsibility of the government or of a single party alone.
Rajiv Shukla rises to speak.

MS Aiyar and Narayanswamy says how can Jethmalani raise of corruption and black money in the house when he's appearing as a counsel in a blackmoney case. Says it's a conflict of interest.

Jaitley, the lawyer, rises to Jethmalani's defence: It is not conflict of interest, it is a consistency of his interest.

Mani Shankar Aiyar objects to Jethmalani's references to Swiss banks. Jethmalani said: The govt of India's protocol with Switzerland says that India will not ask for any information about the past, but only about the future (from the date of the protocol).

Jethmalani says the government has deceived the people in the context of the ratification of the UN convention and under no condition or under any circumstances, will he support the bill


Narayanswamy now wants Jethamalani's entire speech to be expunged.

Narayanswamy reading angrily from the rule book seeking to expunge both the reference to black money, fraud, dacoits.  

Remember however, that Jethmalani did not name Rajiv Gandhi, just alluded to him as an ex-PM with charges filed by the Swiss court on black money.


Jethmalani asks the Chair to please continue.

And another gem: Jethmalani to Chair: Please ask these trash to stop behaving like trash.


Jethmalani: A fraud has been made by the government by signing a protocol with the Swiss government on double taxation.

Uproar again. Mani Shankar Aiyar says un-Parliamentary language cannot be allowed.

The chair expunges the word 'fraud; as unparliamentary. Jethmalani also uses the word 'dacoit', which is expunged as well.


Jethmalani tells Congress' Mani Shankar Aiyar:  Sue me outside if you have the courage. You don't even have the courage to reply. I will give you evidence outside.

Congress admonishes Jethamalani: Don't use bazaar language.

Jethmalani admonishes the chair: You will NOT curtail my time by interrupting my speech.

Chair says Jethmalani cannot point fingers at an ex-PM. Chair says nothing has gone on record. Are you really interested in debate or do you want to point fingers at each other, says the chair. In the chair is the deputy chairman of the RS.

Jethmalani said a Swiss paper had named an Indian PM in a corruption charge.

Chair agrees with Narayanaswamy, says nothing should go on record.


Uproar in RS. Narayanswamy says Jethamalani cannot make an allegation agaisnt a former PM (Rajiv Gandhi) without substantiation. Jethmalani said corruption was discovered during his time.

Irate Jethamalani: The tragedy of this country is that there are people like this.

Jethmalani: The UN convention was opened in 2005 when you were in power, but you chooe to ratify it only six years later!
Jethmalani to Narayanaswami: The next time you introduces a bill, do it more sweetly. Don't use harsh language when introducing a bill. Let me assure you that whatever little sympathy you had from me before your speech, you have lost it.
Jethmalani: Biggest fraud you have perpetuated making the states fall under the Lokpal. CBI today is not free because of the constant misuse by the govt.

Jethamalani: I am not prepared to support this bill until two conditions are satisfied: Repeal section 4 of the Delhi Police Act. Power of superintendents must be divested from central govts and be transferred and vested in the Lokpal. And the power of the CBI must be transferred to the Lokpal, make the CBI independent.   

Jethmalani: Absolute power corrupts, but the prospect of losing power corrupts more

We cannot do without the CBI. It has to exist as the primary investigative agency in the country.


Jethmalani: The CBI was born during the years of the war. The CBI was created to prosecute criminals who made money illicitly. I must record my appreciation of the work that the CBI has done. They never abused their power.

That reputation no longer exists.



Jethmalani: Please be aware that Anna may have lost the novelty factor for the crowds, but this government should be know that the people will vote them out.

18:23   Jethmalani: Anna did not discover corruption

The speech from one of India's most eminent lawyers promises to be interesting.

Ram Jethmalani says he does not care about abuse from anyone. He has used to abuse all his life and those who have abused him have lived to regret it.

The abuse allegedly came from MS Aiyar.

Jethmalani says is Lal Bahadur Shastri was the greatest PM India has ever seen and corruption was discovered during his time. It was not a discovery by Anna Hazare and certainly not a discovery made in 2011.


Quick roundup:

  • Post that meeting Pranab Mukherjee, RJD's Lalu Prasad Yadav says the party will vote against the Lokayukta clauses.
  • SP's Mulayam says he agrees with some of the Lokayukta clauses, disagrees with others.
Ram Jethmalani speaking now. The BJP MP says he is opposed to the bill.

Meanwhile, Manohar Joshi of the SS says: Children should be taught from childhood that corruption was a vice. Rooting out corruption is possible only if people are educated about it. Blah blah...



Mamata Banerjee has spoken to all her six MPs personally telling them to stand firm on the amendments on the Lokpal Bill. 


Hitting out at Team Anna, HK Dua said that laws should not be passed at the Ramlila grounds and there were several people willing to lay down their lives for the country. Anna cannot lay claim to that exclusively, that patriotism was not the exclusive reserve of an individual.

Just in: RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav meets Pranab Mukherjee. Earlier, Pranab also met BSP leader S C Mishra. Last ditch, desperate efforts to rally support.  

Dua says that passing the Lokpal Bill will send the right message to those who want to spread anarchy in the country. For most of his speech, Dua, dissed Team Anna, saying their movement was unconstitutional.


Shiv Sena MP Manohar Joshi speaks.

17:57   Cong core group meet ends
Meanwhile, the Congress Core group meeting, the second today, on the Lokpal Bill has ended. PM, Sonia Gandhi, Pranab Mukherjee and AK Anthony attended the meeting.

D Raja reiterates that the CBI should be free from political interferences, but it can't have absolute atonomy; it has to be accountable to the house.


HK Dua (Independent) speaking now. Says he supports the Bill.


D Raja on the CBI inclusion in the Lokpal Bill: He says the CBI should be independent, echoing what the BSP said. 

The BSP said earlier that the case against Mayawati was a result of the misuse of the CBI.  


The BJP meanwhile, says it will not support a change in the name of the Lokpal Bill to drop the word Lokayukta, which is what the TMC wants.


Right now, Pranab Mukherjee and PK Bansal are reaching out to the BSP. Talks are on with Satish Mishra, who spoke earlier.
Raja (D, not A) says the government should have the courage to tell the agitators (referring to Team Anna) that there are people in governance, who are far wiser than them. He says those who are taking the name of Gandhiji should know that he wanted freedom in Parliament.

Dinner has been ordered for Rajya Sabha MPs, as Lokpal debate continues.

CPI MP D Raja says more tax should be levied on the rich to fund the poor and women should be better represented.

News alert on PTI: Team Anna Core Committee to meet in Ralegan Siddhi on January 2 and 3 to discuss the future course of action. The agitation has been called off because of Anna's health concerns.
On Twitter: Yuvraj Singh: Come on bhaj You can do it ! I mean we can do it ! Nice to see u train in the gym after playin 15yr. See

SP wants the media to be included in the Lokpal Bill.

Now, D Raja of the CPI speaks.

Back in the RS, Samajwadi Party MP RG Yadav says it opposes the bill in its current form.
Update on the Anuj Bidve murder. The Daily Mail report: We kept on trying to keep him breathing -- Witnesses describe last moments of innocent man shot dead after attacker asked for the time.  Read
Ram Gopal Yadav from the Samajwadi Party is speaking now.

Back in the Rajya Sabha, the TMC's Sukhendu Roy ends his speech saying the party requests that amendments be accepted with regards state autonomy in the Lokpal Bill.

As we told you earlier, the TMC wants the deletion of the entire chapter on Lokayuktas and even the name of the Bill changed.



Even as Mamata Banerjee asks her MPs to press for the two amendments, she clarifies that the TMC is with the government, that's why the party did not join Anna Hazare.

Outside Parliament, the PM and Sonia Gandhi convene the Congress Core Group meeting.

On Twitter: Mrityunjoy Kumar Jha: 

Total amendments in Rajya Sabha is 173..

SP- 7.. AIADMK- 41.. CPM- 22.. TMC- 32.. TDP- 23.. CPI- 04.. BJP- 25.. BJD- 07 ...

Now, Sukhendu S Roy, AITC (All India Trinamool Congress) speaks in the RS. Mohapatra's seems to have been a blink and miss speech.
Right now in the RS, Pyarimohan Mohaptara of the BJD is speaking.
17:00   Fifth arrest in Anuj Bidve murder's Prasanna Zore who is following the murder of Anuj Bidve says that Micahel Delrosso, the official spokesperosn for the Greater Manchester Police told that they have made a fifth arrest in the case and all those arrested are between the age group of 16 to 20 years.

Bidve, 23, was shot dead at point-blank range as he walked into Manchester city centre from his hotel in Salford to queue for the sales with a group of eight friends.

Read: Anuj's family seeks help from Maharashtra CM, Pawar


If you missed the morning session of Parliament, watch Arun Jaitley tear apart the Lokpal Bill. Here's the video clip 

On World Affairs Journal: The next al-Qaeda? Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Future of terrorism in South Asia. Read
Back in Parliament, the NCP's Tariq Anwar extends supports to the bill. The NCP, a Congress ally, has seven members in the Rajya Sabha.
16:43   Lalu: People have rejected Team Anna's flopshow

Meanwhile, RJD supremo Lalu Prasad today said the people have "rejected" Team Anna as they have understood its "gameplan".

"They (Team Anna) were selling in the name of people. They have made a business of it. It has all flopped," Lalu said outside Parliament House today.

"People of the country have understood and they have realised it. People have rejected them." RJD leader said, but maintained, "Lokpal Bill is weak. It will not remove corruption."

Now, Tariq Anwar of the NCP speaks.
Siva has come and gone without a ripple. Basically, the DMK MP said the PM has to come under the Lokpal, but with riders and says the party has certain reservations over state powers, but in effect, it accepts the bill.  
16:33   Govt resigns itself to defeat of Lokpal Bill

While efforts are on to ensure passage of the Lokpal in Rajya Sabha, there is a feeling in the government that it may fall through  because it may not not get the required numbers. 

"We can get the Bill passed if the BSP and SP support it. But what can we do when everyone has turned against us," a minister said on condition of anonymity. 

Another minister efforts were on to persuade ally Trinamool Congress to support the Bill. Trinamool Congress, which has 6 MPs in the House, has declared that it will stick to its decision to move amendments to the Bill demanding removal of the provisions relating to constitution of Lokayuktas.


Tewari on quote:

Where is justice when someone's company sinks in debt, but his extravagance doesn't end? (A reference to Dr Vijay Mallya and Kingfisher Airlines.)


When 70 per cent of India starving, there are people who make houses worth millions. (A reference to Mukesh Ambani?)


Farmers are killing themselves,mothers are selling their daughters.

Right now, DMK's Tiruchi Siva speaking.
A PTI newsalert says that the Shiv Sena which has four MPs in the Rajya Sabha will vote against the Lokpal Bill.
16:22   JD(U): Corruption is the offspring of the Congress

Shivanand Tiwari says that as compared to the government, states are ahead where fighting corruption is concerned. States that have Lokayuktas like Karnataka and Bihar have shown the way; the Centre has nothing to show but backwardness in fighting corruption.

He says the bill passed by the Lok Sabha is toothless because it was passed under coercion. Says corruption is Congress' offspring in India.

Tewari is now now denouncing the Central govt and praising how states fight corruption better.
Must-read for Behenji: 2011 was a bad year for elephants. From the Huffington Post.
Tewari: We support a Lokpal Bill, but on the conditionality that it does not trespass on the rights of the state. The bill is weak and needs more teeth.

As the debate in the Rajya Sabha rages on, the Lok Sabha adjourns sine die.


Yechury's debate is over.


JD(U)'s Shivanand Tewari speaks. Begins with state politics -- says the Bihar Lokayukta Act is way better that your Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act

15:49   If the bill goes to vote...

The Samajwadi Party, which has 5 MPs, and Rashtriya Janata Dal with 4 MPs may vote against the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha. Party sources said its 22 MPs, who walked out of the Loksabha before voting on the Lokpal Bill on Tuesday, said that their MPs may vote against the measure in the Upper House. Like SP, if the Bahujan Samaj Party with 18 MPs and RJD with 4 MPs also oppose the Bill and decide to vote against it, then the government will have serious concerns over the fate of the bill's passage.

More on


So, if the Bill goes to vote, with the TMC also pressing for a division and firm on its amendments, it is unlikely it will be passed. This means it goes back to the Lok Sabha. In effect, no Lokpal Bill this session.  

Speaking on the inclusion of the CBI under the Lokpal, Yechury says, you cannot allow the investigative agency to fall under the govt control and at the same time say you want to fight corruption. The CBI has to be independent but it should be accountable as well.  

Yechury says you cannot tackle graft without including India Inc. He says corporate funding of political parties should be banned if we need to fight political corruption effectively.

This, therefore implies, that if we need electoral reforms, we need to bring corporate bodies under Lokpal who supply unaccounted money for polls, says Yechury.   


NDTV says the government has decided to go ahead with a vote on the Lokpal Bill.


Back to Yechury who is arguing against the inclusion of the Lokayukta under the Lokpal.  

He says the issue is not black and white -- if you support the issue, you want a Lokpal, or if you oppose the issue, you don't want one. The fact remains that we need a Lokpal and we need a far better Lokpal that what has been passed in the Lok Sabha.

15:32   TMC's Lokayukta clause gains support from regional parties

The TMC, meanwhile, says it is firm on its amendments and will press for a division. The TMC wants all references to the Lokayukta removed, including a change in the name of the Bill, which is Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011. It also wants the CBI out of the Lokpal purview.

So far, the SP, Left, RJD, BJP, JD(U) all want the Lokayukta out of the Lokpal. If the TMC presses for a vote and the Bill does not get passed, it then goes back to the Lok Sabha. In effect, the Parliament will adjourn for the session, sine die.


Yechury says that if you are making a law against the interest of states, you are therefore making a law against India.

Erudite and a welcome change from Misraji, Yechury says, we should not forget the spirit of the Constitution which says: One man one vote, one vote one value.  

Back to Yechury.

The senior CPI leader says that without the states there is no India. Do not do anything that is against the interest of the country and the spirit of the Constitiution, which says that India is a union of states.  

Misra ended his longish speech saying: The UN covenant ratified by India says that each state can frame anti-corruption laws based on its own laws, and therefore the Centre has no right to control the Lokayukta. The bill is a fraud on the constitution.

CPM leader Sitaram Yechury speaks. Says he remembers a line, pointing to lyricist Javed Akhtar, says, "Kahin pe nigahe, kahin pe nishana."

House erupts in laughter.


Misra wants the Speaker to "kindly give him just five minutes". Says, "We should not pass laws under pressure."

Unfair to compare him with stalwarts like Singhvi and Jaitley, but Misra simply refuses to give up on his speech. Continues reading from his notes.

Misra asks whether the Congress has framed the laws with reference to all the articles in the UN convention. Says it cannot cannot frame a law that is unconstitutional.

Misra adds: An elephant keeps scaring you, even in your dreams.What have you done in 40 years?


Rajya Sabha TV says he Satish C Misra and not Mishra, as we've been spelling it.

Speaker asks Misra to conclude, Misra thinks the Speaker is telling him the speech is irrelevant. Sibal allows himself a smile.


Mishra says that the issue of the attack on the federal structure will be discussed by the council of states.

As expected both Dr Singhvi and Arun Jaitley are trending on Twitter. Apparently, it's Rajesh Khanna's birthday today. The superstar turns 69 today.

Managing Editor of Sidin Vadukut tweets: What? When the BSP speaks you don't feel proud of parliamentary debate any more?

As expected, Congress benches ask, "Yeh kya ho raha hai", but the chair asks him to continue.

Mishra gets back in line with a debate on the Lokpal.


Compared to Arun Jaitley and Dr Singhvi, Mishra is the equvalent of Prozac and his speech, not a debate on the Lokpal bill, punctuated by 'Behen Mayawati's' greatness, borders on the ridiculous.

Mishra now talks about the achievements of the BSP as Jairam Ramesh and Kapil Sibal listen in with furrowed brows and incredulous expressions.

Says in the last 40 years the Congress' only achievement has been corruption.

14:57   BSP on CBI: We all know Behen Mayawati is innocent

Talking about the appointment of CVC chief PJ Thomas, the BSP says everyone knows that the government would have asked Thomas to resign, but did not. It was then the SC had to intervene.

Mishra says the CBI must be independent or it would be misused by the government.  

14:52   Why the SP, BSP, RJD is important for the Lokpal

Like the SP, if the BSP with 18 MPs and RJD with 4 MPs also oppose the Bill and if decide to vote against it, then the government will have serious concerns over the fate of the bill's passage.

In the 243-member Rajya Sabha, Congress and its allies do not not have a majority with its number placed at 92 and needs the support of the MPs of these parties supporting the government from outside. Remember, 122 is the magic figure the government needs to pass the bill.


BSP uses the selection of Palmolein scam tainted CVC Thomas as a metaphor for how the government can misuse the selection of the CBI chief under the existing Lokpal Bill.

The BSP wants autonomy for the CBI and says even the CVC is not independent of govt control. BSP is attacking the government over the selection process of the CBI chief under the Lokpal.
14:37   Rajya Sabha reconvenes post lunch.

Rajya Sabha reconvenes after a 45-minute lunch break. If you've just joined us, the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011 is being debated. In the morning session, Leader of the Oppostion in the RS, Arun Jaitley opened the debate, while Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi defended the Bill.

The BSP's Satish Chandra Mishra opens the debate.

14:33   Cong hope Samajwadi Party may vote against Lokpal Bill

The Samajwadi Party, which has 5 MPs, and RJD with 4 MPs may vote against the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha today.

Party sources said its 22 MPs, who walked out of the Loksabha before voting on the Lokpal Bill on Tuesday, said that their MPs may vote against the measure in the Upper House  today.

Like SP, if BSP with 18 MPs and RJD with 4 MPs also oppose the Bill and if decide to vote against it, then the government will have serious concerns over the fate of the bill's passage.

In the 243-member Rajya Sabha, Congress and its allies do not not have a majority with its number placed at 92 and needs the support of the MPs of these parties supporting the government from outside.  At least a walk out by them could help the government but not not a vote against.

RJD sources said the bill was "doomed" because "nobody" wants it and the party may also vote against it. BSP leader in Rajya Sabha Satish Chandra Mishra said the party has not not taken a final decision and its strategy
will be revealed at the time of voting in the House. 

14:31   CM assures Anuj Bidwe's family of SM Krishna's help

Meanwhile, an update on the Anuj Bidve murder.'s Prasanna Zore, who has been following the story says that Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan has assured Bidve's family that the state government will seek External Affairs minister S M Krishna's help to expedite the process of getting Anuj's body back home in Pune. Rakesh Sonawane, the brother-in-law of Anuj Bidve said he spoke to the CM to seek his help. Rakesh Sonawane told that he met the CM for two minutes during the latter's Pune tour.


Full story on shortly.

Also read: Friends, family turn to Facebook for help

14:23   Kim's son named 'Supreme Leader' at father's funeral

In other news before we get back to the RS proceedings at 2.30 pm when the MPs are back from lunch.

The North Korean regime has placed Kim Jong Un, the son and chosen successor of Kim Jong Il, at the center of proceedings, proclaiming him the "supreme leader" of North Korea -- a fresh indication that the leadership transition is progressing smoothly. More on cnn.

Just in: Samajwadi Party with 5 MPs in the Rajya Sabha is likely to vote against the Lokpal Bill, says PTI.

Articulate, precise and a worthy combatant to Arun Jaitley, Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi's point-by-point rebuttal ended on a plea. He told the BJP: "Do not do yourself and the nation a disservice by a betrayal. History will not forgive you if you play politics with this bill. You are in search of that elusive and perfect bill at the cost of something good. Join us in passing the lokpal."

Speaker finally gets his lunch break. House to reconvene at 2.30 pm.

Singhvi: History will not forgive you if you play with the Lokpal Bill like you did with the Constitutional Amendment Bill. It will take you 30 seconds to pass the bill with minor technical changes -- if you don't the cat will be out of the bag -- it will show that you never really had any intention to pass the bill.

Singhvi's papers are all over the place. Says that the BJP suffers from selective amnesia. Singhvi says the BJP is opposing the bill for the sake of  it. Says, "Your 50-year-old ideology leads you to block the diversity of India."

Every time Speaker says Hon'ble member your time is up, Singhvi, says, Sir, one minute.

And continues about vaad and vivaad. Argument for the sake of argument.


Jaitleyji missed a semi colon, he says. Sense of the house didn't say Citizen's Charter would be under Lokpal.  

The Speaker desperately wants to break for lunch.

Singhvi stubbornly carries on.  


Singhvi talking about the minority reservation in the bill says there is no reservation in the bill, only representation. Singhvi says the draft bill does not have reservation at all, just seeks to reflect the diverse plurality of India. "The draft bill says of the eight members, not less than four must be some or all of OBC's minorities, SC's and ST's. The phrase "some or all' is very important because it does not impose an absolute number from any one minority."



Amid disruptions, Singhvi edges towards conclusion saying, "We are the ones who have the courage to follow our convictions. We are brave enough to think differently, bold enough to act differently becasue we believe we can change the world to a better place."


Chair gives him five minutes to conclude.


Your constitutional cocktail does not have punch, Singhvi tells Jaitley.

Chair asks Dr Singhvi whether he wants to continue after a lunch break. Singhvi says he needs 15-20 minutes more.

Singhvi says the CAG and CVC are also government organizations, but they have complete autonomy to function as independent entities. Singhvi says why are we trying to change government institutions that have worked for us just because the BJP wants to score brownie points ahead of state elections.

Singvi says section 253 of the bill says Parliament shall have the power not withstanding any clause in this chapter. Which in effect means that the Parl has absolute power, so where is the question of absolute fedralism or infringement into private lives. Article 253 is a constitutionally accepted national interest article.
Singhvi: Are we talking of anarchy just because it suits the BJP? The party is in fact playing Narad muni to our allies.
13:13   Singhvi: PM will look like a pygmy in front of Lokpal

Singvi: Thank God, Jaitley didn't say Lokpal must be judge too. We have given great power to Lokpal over CBI, but the PM will look like a pygmy before the Lokpal.

Singhvi says that Arun Jaitley is conveniently ignoring the positive aspects of the Lokpal, and focussing on only perceived weaknesses. He asks why Jaitley has a problem with the selection process, when every single selection body to government institutions gives the government a slight majority.
Singhvi: Should the Lokpal become a behemoth that dwarfs Parliament, CBI and CVC that destroys the balance of power in the Constitution? Why is the BJP not talking of the fact that we have abolished prior sanction for prosecution, a rule you, the NDA, reinstated when in power
Singhvi to Jaitley: You made a caricature of the CBI process. Why should the new bil kill existing institutions?
Singhvi: You are creating a breeding ground for big-ticket corruption. Our conception is of a mutual interlocking checks and balances, a holy trinity of the Lokpal, CVC and the CBI.
Sonia Singh on twitter: First rate speech by Arun Jaitley, intellectually argued and substantive Abhishek Singhvi, another lawyer turned politician has a tough job now
Singhvi says the BJP is trying to mislead the nation.
Singhvi's speech is disrupted by the Opposition benches. Punctuated with baith jaiye..

Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi speaking in the government's defence.

Asks: "The fundamental question is whether you want to pass a Lokpal or not. It is no use passing a string of 15 conditionalities that you are using as a pretext not to pass the bill. Have the courage of your convictions if you don't want to pass the Bill."

Jaitley ends his debate saying we have to pass a strong bill so that we do not leave it up to the next generation to clean it up. Requests the government to allow the amendments to the bill. We want to pass Lokpal, but not government's Lokpal.

Jaitley referring to the minority clause which was reintroduced in the Bill, says its unconstitutional.

Jaitley says the government took the support of the TMC for granted, but the TMC is right in opposing the Lokayukta clause.


Jaitley says the TMC is right in opposing the Lokayukta clause, because it will ensure the Lokpal is a puppet in the government's hands. I hope MPs reject this weak Bill.

Pranab sitting next to the PM covers the mic and makes a point.


Jaitley says that government has to correct all the frailties in the bill. He says the central govt is an usurper and an interloper.

Jaitley tells the UPA, your government is scam-ridden not ours.

Din in the house, followed by a succession of please, please, please from the chair.  

Jaitley: For the first time I'm hearing that a new Constitution is being created. I have heard of a cocktail in another sense, but the government is trying to create a constitutional cocktail.

Remember, the BJP wants 13 amendments to the Lokpal Bill.

Vilasrao Deshmukh sitting next to Narayanswamy smiles at a private joke it seems.

Jaitely says the Lokayukta clause in the bill has come about because of a lack of knowledge of the Constitution.

The government has deliberately brought a law which is constitutionally weak. You want to create a Lokpal which can intrude into the workings of a temples, churches, NGOs and other places of worship, and you still call it strong, asks Jaitley.  

Jaitley referring to a question raised by Pranab Mukherjee says, my utmost respect for Pranab Babu is not unknown to this House. But unfortunately, he is not a lawyer and he cannot speak for both sides.

Pranab Mukherjee and the House laugh uproariously.

Sagarika Ghose: Have to say when it comes to utter brilliance in the House, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley have no equal
Omar Abdullah tweet: All said & done one has to accept that the BJP makes very effective opening attacks in both the Lok Sabha & the Rajya Sabha.
Jaitley says the Bill makes it impossible to probe the PM. We have been told that we did not insitute the Lokpal Bill, but had a minister looted Rs 1.64 lakh crore, we would have instituted it.
Jaitley on CBI says, "This is the first time I am hearing of an investigating agency which cannot file a chargesheet. Why are you creating an impossible mechanism? The CBI agrees to this as well."

Jaitley asks why is the government making the CBI into a unworkable proposition.

He says Lokpal Bill is revengeful -- it tells the people -- you want a Bill, OK, here it is. A Bill which is intrusive, that will enter every area of private life, not just governance. We are not here to teach civil society a lesson.

Jaitley says it is not a question of ego or defeat, but a matter of integrity and it has accept that the Bill requires major reworking.

(The Cong Core Group will meet again this evening. Mooting placing the bill before the select committee).


Jaitley asks is the government making a criminal procedure or a "jalebi"? The government is creating an impossible mechanism. Whoever has made this law has no idea what is criminal jurisprudence. The CBI says it's an unworkable mechanism. It requires a serious change.  


Government can't control Lokpal appointment and removal, says Jaitley. That is absurd, says Jaitley. Government cannot infringe on rights of the states.

Referring to Anna's fast, Jaitley says there is no contradiction in an anti-graft fight and federalism.

12:07   'Give Lokpal Constitutional status, don't touch states'

Kapil Sibal listens intently.

Jaitley says there are clauses in the bill that are absurd. We cannot be disloyal to our committment to creating a bill of integrity. Why is the government saying that there is a conflict between corruption and federalism. Both can coexist without hurting the other.

Much applause.

Jaitley says the Bill is in fact a half-hearted legislation. By the end of the day, the world will know who wants a strong bill and who wants a weak one, Jaitley says to applause.

Jaitley tells the Congress that you wanted to make it a toy (khilona) and then make it a constitutional authority. Congress believed that it would be the game changer, but games don't change phoney bills.

Says the BJP was not against a constituional amendment to the Lokpal Bill, but it was against bringing Lokayuktas under the Lokpal. The government just wanted to make Lokpal weak by giving it constitutional status.



Jaitley asks Congress to find out, to test, if its allies are only willing to proclaim (pravachan) or strike (prahar). He says this is a half-hearted Bill.

Arun Jaitley, who is the Leader of the Opposition in the upper house says the government has passed a weak Lokpal Bill and it is necessary to follow the 'sense of the nation'. The house should therefore pass the Bill with amendments.

House has reconvened with the PM back. Arun Jaitley speaking now.


Chairman Ansari says the PM is on his way. The BJP makes it clear that they will not allow the House to function till the PM gets here. So, even if the House convenes in the next 10 minutes, without the PM, expect continued uproar and no debate on the Bill.

Incidentally, the BJP is  expected to move at least 31 amendments to the Bill.

After the Bill was introduced, the Leader Of the Opposition, Arun Jaitley was about to begin the debate, but the din over, 'Where is the leader of the house? The govt is not interested!' adjourned proceedings.  

The chairman already looks flustered and irritated and says the PM will be here shortly and is on his way.

The din continues.

The Prime Minister is the leader of the House in the Rajya Sabha.

House has been adjourned for 10 minutes.

Opposition din on why the PM is absent in the house. The PM, as we told you earlier, is attending the Congress Core Committee meeting. Leader of the shouting brigade, SS Ahluwalia and Venkaiah Naidu want an explanation of the PM's absence.
Motion has been moved for the debate and discussion of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011.

Opposition benches interrupt Narayanaswamy, much to the chairman's (Hamid Ansari in the chair) annoyance, who says the Bill is not being discussed now.

Narayanswamy says: Why, why, why you are shouting?

Saifuddin Soz seated on the adjoining bench listens with rapt attention as Narayanswamy goes on and on.
The Congress Core Committee is meeting now, even as the RS has convened. Ahead of the session, Cong troubleshooter Pranab Mukherjee met Arun Jaitlley.
Since Mamata Banerjee is absolutely firm on voting for the three amendments and not abstaining, the government also has the option to avoid a vote and send the bill to a select committee. Basically, a wait and watch today.
11:16   Narayanswamy explains genesis of Lokpal Bill

V Narayanswamy gives the genesis of the Lokpal Bill. The parties which will be moving amendments are SP, RJD, CPI, Trinamool. Long, long day ahead. Narayanswamy had said that the RS could debate the Bill yesterday, contradicting what Parliamentary Affairs minister PK Bansal said, if the members were willing to sit late.

Today, they have no option, since this is the last day of the winter session of Parliament ends and voting has to take place today.

V Narayanswamy, MoS PMO (Personnel) has moved the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha.
The TMC's Mukul Roy speaking to reporters just before the Parliament session began says the party will press for a vote. The TMC will ask for three amendments.

Rajya Sabha convenes. Drama to begin shortly.

10:53   123: The magic figure needed to pass Lokpal
The ruling coalition needs a simple majority of 123 to ensure their passage, but the majority mark will come down if any party decides to keep away when voting takes place.
10:52   Who wants what in the Lokpal Bill

In the Rajya Sabha today, the SP will move seven amendments to the existing and amended Lokpal Bill


The RJD's Rajni Prasad wants the PM, CBI out of the Lokpal ambit and will move an amendment to the effect.


The Trinamool Congress, which has 6 members in the 243-member Upper House where the Congress and its allies do not have majority, wants removal of the provisions relating to the setting up of Lokayuktas in the state. If the government accepts the amendments, the Bill will have to be referred to the Lok Sabha again or a joint session of Parliament has to be convened for its clearance.


Left: Sitaram Yechury of the CPI(M) said the party would press for amendments, including one to ensure that the federal character was not affected, to create an independent investigation wing for the anti-graft body, bring corporate and non-government organisations receiving foreign funds under the Lokpal and broad-base the process for selection of the Lokpal.


MPs slated to speak in the Rajya Sabha today include Derek O' Brien (making his debut), Arun Jaitley, Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi.


Here's the schedule in the Rajya Sabha today...


1. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2011
2. The Whistleblowers Protection Bill, 2011
3. The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore Bill, 2010
4. The Copyright (Amendment) Bill, 2010

Remember, the Lokpal Bill was sent to President Pratibha Patil yesterday to get her assent since there were amendments and then tabled in the Rajya Sabha yesterday. However, the discussions and debates will take place today.

Our Delhi correspondent says Congress RS MP Janardhan Reddy is unwell and bedridden in Hyderabad and may not be able to vote. After all this is over and done with, Pranab Mukherjee is headed to Tirupati next week.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at 10:40 am. The BJP Parliamentary Party is also holding a meeting in Parliament to discuss the floor strategy, which is something the Congress needs to look at as well after the embarassement during the Constitution Amendment Bill vote in the Lok Sabha 

In another 10 minutes, the Congress Core Committee is scheduled to meet in Parliament to discuss the Lokpal Bill. MoS PMO Narayanswamy says there is no pressure and there was no pressure from Team Anna to pass the bill.  

10:21   Lokpal Bill to be debated in Rajya Sabha today
Good morning. A big day in the Rajya Sabha as the Lokpal Bill with its amendments made in the Lok Sabha will be debated and put to vote. The BJP said yesterday that they were confident the Bill would not be passed, but the Congress, on an equally confident note said, the bill would certainly be passed. In fact, Cong RS MP Mani Shankar Aiyar said 2012 will be the year of the Lokpal.