A lot of questions over the ruckus
December 29, 2011  23:45

Meanwhile, Twitter, that epitome of free spirit, has gone ballistic over the adjournment. Here's a sample:

 @Sharnarthee says: Hope U r watching debates & deciding hu 2 send back 2 parliament & who 2 send packing in nxt elections. Vote smart & u won't need any Lokpal

@visaraj: Arrogance with which Rajniti Prasad tore the bill, They need to suspend this guy from RS.

@sandeep_bamzai: House adjourned till 11.43, what is going on? What is the veepee planning? Game over - lokpal - consigned to the rubbish heap of history

@garg09: still no one is asking for whom rajneeti prasad was doing this drama?

@eeta: It's generally MPs from Lalu's party and Mulayam's party who are the most ill-behaved in Parliament.

@KanchanGupta: Match poised at an exciting point. Which way will it go?

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