Comments by key players in the aftermath of the Bhopal gas tragedy give an indication about the exit of former Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson from India with then Chief Minister Arjun Singh quoted as having said there was no intention to prosecute or harass anybody. A TV channel reproduced Anderson and Arjun Singh's bytes, before the Union Carbide chief left the country on December 7, 1984, three days after the world's worst industrial disaster. "House arrest or no arrest or bail, no bail, I am free to go home...There is a law of the United States...India, bye, bye, Thank you," Anderson had said.
Standing just outside the Union Carbide plant, Singh, wearing a white helmet, had said, "There was no intention to prosecute anyone or try to, sort of, harass anyone. "Therefore, he (Anderson) was granted bail and he agreed to be present in court when the charges are made," the former Madhya Pradesh chief minister had said.