Expelled Bharatiya Janata Party leader Jaswant Singh on Saturday said he had sought removal of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi after the post-Godhra communal riots and even opposed L K Advani's 'Ram Rathyatra'.
"I had condemned the Gujarat riots along with Atal ji (former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee) so that the chief minister Narendra Modi was removed," Singh said at a Meet-the-Press
programme of Andhra Pradesh Union of Working Journalists in Hyderabad.
Replying to a query over the issue of Babri Masjid demolition in 1992, Singh said he had even opposed the 'Rathyatra' of L K Advani.
"At the national executive meeting, I was the only person to have opposed the Rathyatra explaining the repercussions it would have," he said.
"I was the lone member in the national executive to have voted against the Rathyatra, but what my lone voice could have achieved," said Singh, who was in the city to launch his controversial book Jinnah-India, Partition, Independence.
Image: Former BJP leader Jaswant Singh