Heavy rains and floods over the past week have wreaked havoc in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and claimed over 230 lives and displaced over a million people.
Despite a lull in rains over the last 24 hours, the situation in flood-hit north Karnataka remains grim.
In Andhra Pradesh, though the flood situation is improving in Kurnool and Mahaboobnagar districts, but hundreds of villages in Krishna, Guntur and Nalgonda are still inundated.
In Goa, large parts of the state are lashed with heavy rains for the third day with people remaining indoors. According to sources, over 250 houses have collapsed in the state in last one week.
In Kerala, flash flood has affected normal life at six places in Kozhikode district. Landslides were also reported at many places in the district.
In Orissa, floodwater is receding fast in Balasore and Bhadrak districts. But, Jalaka, Kansabansa, Sona and Budhabalanga rivers are still flowing above the danger level.
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