The powerful army chief also warned that 'proponents of conventional application of military forces in a 'nuclear overhang' are chartering an adventurous and dangerous path, the consequences of which could be both unintended and uncontrollable.'
Kayani made the remarks while addressing senior officers at the army's general headquarters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.
Though Kayani did not name India in his comments, he left very little doubt as to who he was referring to as he pointedly mentioned the Indian army's 'cold start doctrine.'
Indian army officials have said that the doctrine, which is reviewed every five years at the army's Shimla-based Training Command, will now include scenarios such as a two- front simultaneous war with both China and Pakistan.
In keeping with Pakistan's standing as a 'responsible nuclear-capable state,' the army will 'contribute to strategic stability and strategic restraint as per the stated policy' of the government, Kayani said.
"But at the same time, (the Pakistan army) will continue to maintain the necessary wherewithal to deter and if required, defeat any aggressive design in any form or shape i. e. a firmed up 'proactive strategy' or a 'cold start doctrine'," Kayani was quoted saying in a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations.
"The Pakistan army is fully alert and alive to the full spectrum of threat which continues to exist in conventional and unconventional domains. Pakistan is not oblivious to the unprecedented acquisition of sophisticated military hardware, synergized with an offensive military doctrine," he said.
Kayani further stated that 'peace and stability in South Asia and beyond is the logical and fundamental principle underlining the security calculus/paradigm of Pakistan.'
The Pakistan army 'stands committed and prepared to respond to any existing, potential or emerging threat,' he said. "An army supported by 170 million people, with faith in Allah, is a formidable force to reckon with," Kayani said.
Pakistan's foreign office had on Thursday criticised the new doctrine. Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said the doctrine 'betray a hostile intent as well as a hegemonic and jingoistic mindset which is quite out of step with the realities of our time.'
The strong reactions from the Pakistani government and military came after the local media extensively reported on the doctrine.
Image: Pakistan army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani
Photograph: Reuters