Mumbai hoarding crash: Ad firm director's police custody extended
May 26, 2024  15:52
A Mumbai court on Sunday extended till May 29 the police custody of Bhavesh Bhinde, director of the advertising firm which had installed a hoarding that collapsed in Ghatkopar area in Mumbai and claimed 17 lives.

M/S Ego Media Pvt Ltd, the advertising firm of Bhinde, managed the giant hoarding that collapsed on a petrol pump during a dust storm and rains on May 13.

As Bhinde absconded after the incident, police registered a case against him on the charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder under section 304 of the Indian Penal Code.

He was arrested in Udaipur, Rajasthan, on May 16 and brought to the city.
Bhinde was subsequently remanded in police custody till May 26.

On Sunday, the crime branch, which is probing the case, produced Bhinde before the metropolitan magistrate court at the end of his previous custody.
It sought his further remand on the ground that it is also inquiring into other hoardings installed by the firm across the city.

Also, the financial aspect concerning the installation of billboards was also under investigation, the police said.

Advocate Rizwan Merchant, appearing for the accused, opposed it saying the FIR is only concerning the collapsed hoarding.

After hearing both the sides, the court extended Bhinde's police custody till May 29.

As per the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, it had not granted permission for the hoarding. -- PTI 
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