Indian woman charged with stabbing boy at Singapore childcare centre
May 24, 2024  18:21
An Indian woman in Singapore was charged with stabbing a six-year-old boy repeatedly with a pen at a childcare centre in Singapore in 2022, leaving marks on his face and scalp. 

The 43-year-old woman was handed one count of ill-treating a child under her care under the Children and Young Persons Act. 

The court issued a wide-ranging gag order that forbids publication of the victim's identity, the accused's identity as well as the location of the incident, according to a Channel News Asia report. 

According to the charge sheet, the woman is an Indian national and a Singapore permanent resident, the report said. 

The boy was in her care on November 16, 2022, at the childcare centre when she allegedly stabbed his head several times with a pen. 

As a result, the boy suffered a 1-cm-long abrasion on his scalp, a 2-cm-long abrasion over his eyebrow ridge, and a 1.5-cm-long abrasion over his scalp. 

The woman indicated that she would be pleading guilty. -- PTI
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