Why bring up Maliwal again and again: Tharoor to BJP
May 22, 2024  13:06
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said that by repeatedly raising the issue of AAP MP Swati Maliwal, the BJP does not want to discuss the issues of unemployment and inflation and the law will take its course.

 His remarks came as the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is facing heat amid the ongoing Swati Maliwal investigation, in which the party MP has accused party chief Arvind Kejriwal's former personal secretary Bibhav Kumar of assaulting her at the Delhi Chief Minister's residence. 

 "AAP's official statement has been made...I don't see a need to add anything to it. She is not our appointee. So, if they know, let them only speak. Secondly, what does the BJP want by raising this issue again and again? To see that the reality of the country felt by people--unemployment, inflation--is not discussed...," he told reporters. 

 Earlier on May 20, AAP leader and Delhi Minister Atisihi had claimed that Swati Maliwal was threatened by the ACB to make allegations against Arvind Kejriwal's aide. 

"A conspiracy was hatched against Arvind Kejriwal by using Swati Maliwal as a pawn. The whole country saw the truth of Swati Maliwal's allegations in the video that came out from CM House. We believe that Swati Maliwal was threatened regarding the ACB case against her and she was made the face of this conspiracy. Under this, allegations were to be made against Arvind Kejriwal ji, but this conspiracy also failed," she had said.

 These allegations were however denied by Swati Maliwal who said she would take those who were making false claims against her to court.
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