Situation in Bishkek back to normal: Indian mission
May 22, 2024  21:51
An Indian embassy official meets the students/Courtesy Indian embassy on X
An Indian embassy official meets the students/Courtesy Indian embassy on X
The situation in Bishkek has returned to normal, the Indian embassy in the Kyrgyzstan capital said on Wednesday, days after mobs targeted foreigners in the city triggering concerns over Indian students there. 

Last week, India asked its students in Bishkek to stay indoors following the incidents of violence. At present, about 17,000 Indian students are in the Kyrgyz Republic and most of them are in Bishkek. 

The embassy has been concerned at the recent incidents of violence against foreign students in Bishkek. 

"However, due to swift action by the Kyrgyz authorities the situation in Bishkek has returned to normal," the Indian mission said in a statement. 

"No untoward incident has been reported in Bishkek during the past few days. There are no restrictions on the movement of transport or people. However, as a measure of precaution, the classes are being conducted in an online mode," it said. 

The embassy urged the students and their families not to pay attention to rumours. 

"The embassy has been working actively with the universities and senior government functionaries to address the concerns of the Indian students. Two helplines 0555710041 and 0555005538 have been functional 24x7 where students can continue to reach out to the Embassy for all kinds of assistance," it said. -- PTI
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