UK ex-PM Boris Johnson turned away from polling station for forgetting ID
May 04, 2024  08:07
Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was turned away from a polling station during the United Kingdom's local elections due to his forgetfulness regarding ID, a requirement he himself had introduced while in office, CNN reported.  

Polling station officials had to refuse Johnson's attempt to vote in South Oxfordshire on Thursday when he arrived without the necessary photo ID, CNN reported, citing PA media.  

Johnson made a subsequent trip back with the required identification and successfully cast his vote.  

The mandate for photo ID in voting was established under Johnson's Conservative government through the Elections Act 2022, a move that garnered significant criticism upon its inception. 

The UK's Electoral Commission cautioned in 2023 that the requirement could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of individuals, particularly affecting the unemployed and ethnic minorities. -- ANI 
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