The Constitution is inconvenient for BJP: Cong
March 11, 2024  15:06
The Congress on Monday slammed the BJP over its MP Anantkumar Hegde's remarks about amending the Constitution, alleging that the Constitution is inconvenient for the BJP's "autocratic plans" and that is why it's aiming for 400-plus seats to "officially convert India into a dictatorship".

 In a post on X, Congress general secretary, organisation, K C Venugopal also alleged that the BJP has a "forked tongue" with which it conveys two messages -- one for public decorum and the other its "Mann Ki Baat".

 "What Anantkumar Hegde said about altering the Constitution is their Mann Ki Baat. In their heart, they have never stood for the Constitution or the core values it espouses," he alleged. 

 The BJP believes in imposing duties on citizens, while snatching away their fundamental rights, Venugopal said. 

 "Its parent organisation has wished for reservations to be done away with. And we are all witness to how constitutional institutions like the ECI or the judiciary are being compromised, while principles of federalism and checks and balances are being disregarded," the Congress leader alleged. 

 "In reality, the Constitution is an inconvenience for the BJP's autocratic plans. That's why they aim for 400+ seats -- to officially convert India into a dictatorship. However, democracy is in the veins of Indian society and it will reject these anti-Constitutional forces, who look to destroy Dr. Ambedkar's Constitution," Venugopal said. 

 Addressing a gathering at Karwar in Karnataka on Saturday, Hegde had said the BJP needs a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament to amend the Constitution and "set right the distortions and unnecessary additions made to it by the Congress". 

 A six-term Lok Sabha MP and former Union minister, Hegde is known for his hardline views and his comments have sparked controversies in the past too.
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