Netanyahu defies Biden's 'red line,' vows to invade Rafah
March 11, 2024  10:02
Thousands of people on Gaza are starving
Thousands of people on Gaza are starving
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu staunchly defended his decision to press ahead with an invasion of Rafah, a city on the southern border of the Gaza Strip, despite US President Joe Biden's warning that such an offensive would be a "red line," POLITICO reported. 

 Netanyahu stressed he would not back down, citing the October 7 Hamas raid as a crucial factor in his determination, according to the report. Amid the raging war between Israel and Hamas, Biden, in an interview with MSNBC, criticised Netanyahu saying that he was "hurting more than helping" Israel by failing to limit casualties. 

 "He's hurting - I - in my view, he's hurting Israel more than helping Israel by making the rest of the world - it's contrary to what Israel stands for. And I think it's a big mistake," Biden said, expressing concern about the impact on Israel's international standing.
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