Trump shooting: Democrats tread with sensitivity
July 15, 2024  10:38
In the aftermath of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Democrats are treading cautiously, navigating a complex landscape of political ramifications and moral considerations, The Hill reported. 

 President Joe Biden, out of respect for Trump and in response to the tragic events, has suspended all political activities, including the cessation of political advertisements. 

This pause has prompted introspection among Biden's allies and party operatives, who are grappling with the potential impact of this dramatic turn of events on the presidential race. 

 "There are more questions than answers right now," admitted a top Democratic strategist and close Biden ally.

 "I don't think anyone knows how this will turn out, even this week. There are so many unknowns," as reported by The Hill. 

The debate over Biden's candidacy, particularly concerning his age and mental acuity, has been temporarily shelved. Multiple Democratic sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged the sensitivity of the topic in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. 

While discussions about Biden potentially withdrawing from the race have dominated recent headlines and discussions, many Democrats, from lawmakers to donors, have chosen to remain silent on the issue for now.

"This is not the time," remarked a Democratic donor who had previously expressed reservations about Biden. "That's not to say it won't come back in a few days or next week. But it would be incredibly insensitive to have the debate on Biden right now." 

"We all need to take a breath and see what happens," the donor added. Amidst the somber atmosphere following the assassination attempt, the focus has shifted from internal Democratic deliberations to broader concerns about how this event might reshape the political landscape as the Republican National Convention looms. 

Another Democratic strategist predicted that the focus on Saturday's tragic events would "slow the public noise but I don't think it slows the private conversations. "I've seen enough data to show my guy trailing. And the state-by-state numbers are really rough."
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