Peace must win: Ukrainian Prez Zelenskyy at WEF
January 17, 2024  00:43
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy/File image
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy/File image
"Peace must win", Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum as he called for support from the international community to defeat the Russian President Vladimir Putin and make him realise that the world unity is stronger than one man's hatred. 

Zelenskyy, who also met a number of world leaders here, said everyone wants to know when will the war end or will the world see the third world war. 

"Is negotiation with Putin possible," he asked and said, "Putin actually embodies war". 

"The war should end with a just peace and that would happen after Putin is defeated and the lives of Ukrainian people are restored," he said in a special address at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 in Davos. 

Referring to wars in Syria and Crimea among others, the president of the war-hit country said one man has stolen at least 13 years of peace. 

"Putin actually embodies war. All efforts have failed and it has been proven that this man will not change. His answer to calls for peace is getting more and more weapons from North Korea and Iran. His answer to efforts for restoring peace is support to terrorists," he said. 

Zelenskyy said if anyone thinks it's only about Ukraine, they are fundamentally mistaken. 

"We were alone when we were attacked but the good part is the world has now stopped believing in Russia and no one believes in his future," he said. -- PTI
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