LIVE! Father performs last rites of child found dead with CEO-mom

Wed, 10 January 2024
Suchana Seth being taken to a Mapusa court
Suchana Seth being taken to a Mapusa court
The four-year old boy who was allegedly killed by his mother, CEO of a city-based AI company, was cremated in Bengaluru on Wednesday, with the child's father Venkat Raman performing the last rites. 

He had brought his son's body from Chitradurga on Wednesday to an apartment in the city where the initial rituals took place. Later the child's body was taken to the Harishchandra Ghat at Rajaji Nagar where Raman performed the last rites. 

The postmortem on the victim was performed at Chitradurga on Tuesday. 

Suchana Seth, chief executive officer of an artificial intelligence start-up, was apprehended on Monday night while she was on her way from Goa to Bengaluru, and the boy's body was found in a suitcase. She was arrested on the directions of the Goa Police. 

"He (the child) was strangled to death or what we call smothering. Either a cloth or a pillow was used. The child died due to strangulation. It doesn't look like the child was strangulated using hands. It looks like a pillow or some other material was used. The rigor mortis (postmortem muscle stiffness) had resolved in the child," Hiriyur Taluk Hospital's administrative officer Dr Kumar Naik told reporters. 

Raman, who hails from Kerala and settled in Indonesia reached Hiriyur on Tueday night and took possession of the body of his son.