Farmers to decide on future action tomorrow
February 21, 2024  22:04
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The Samyukt Kisan Morcha Wednesday condoled the death of a farmer in a clash between security personnel and protesters at the Punjab-Haryana border, and alleged the government was "solely responsible for the present crisis and casualty". 

The farmers' body called a meeting of its National Coordination Committee and the General Body on February 22 to discuss the situation and take "decisive action to advance the struggle". 

Twenty-one-year-old farmer, identified as Subhkaran Singh (21) from the Baloke village of Bathinda district, was killed and a few others were injured following the clash between security personnel and protesting farmers at Khanauri on the Punjab-Haryana border. 

"The SKM strongly protests the brutal police repression and murder of farmer Shubkaran Singh of Baloke Village, Bhatinda district, in the police firing in the Haryana-Punjab border," the farmers' body said in a statement. 

"As per the report available around fifteen people have been seriously injured in the repression. This is a brutal assault on bread-earners from farmer families when they were protesting only for the implementation of the written promises made by the prime minister," the SKM said in a statement. -- PTI
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