The face of govt's cervical cancer campaign is...
February 07, 2024  16:17
Actor Poonam Pandey is likely to be the brand ambassador of the government's national campaign to spread awareness on cervical cancer.

 According to sources, Pandey and her team are in talks with the Union Health Ministry and the modalities are being worked out. Earlier this month, news of Pandey's "death" from the disease dominated the headlines and led to intense debate on social media. It later turned out that the news was fake and was a stunt pulled off by the actor and her team to spread "critical awareness" about cervical cancer. 

 In a video, posted on her official Instagram page, Pandey on February 3 said, "I feel compelled to share something significant with you all '? I am here, alive." 

 "Cervical cancer didn't claim me, but tragically, it has claimed the lives of thousands of women who stemmed from a lack of knowledge on how to tackle this disease," the 32-year-old added. 

 "Unlike some other cancers, cervical cancer is entirely preventable. The key lies in the HPV vaccine and early detection tests. We have the means to ensure no one loses their life to this disease. 

 "Let's empower one another with critical awareness and ensure every woman is informed about the steps to take. Together, let's strive to put an end to the devastating impact of the disease and bring #DeathToCervicalCancer," she wrote. -- PTI
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