PM compares 10 yrs of Cong rule vs BJP rule
February 07, 2024  14:49
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Rajya Sabha: "...The Congress that handed over a large part of our land to our enemies, the Congress which stopped the modernisation of the country's armies, is today giving us speeches on national security and internal security, the Congress which, after independence.

"They remained confused, whether industries are necessary or farming. The Congress could not decide whether nationalisation is important or privatisation...

"The Congress that brought India's economy from number 12 to number 11 in 10 years...we brought India's economy to number 5 in just 10 years and this Congress is here to give us long speeches on economic policies..." 

"...When I hear them, both there and here (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha), my belief is further strengthened that the party (Congress) has become outdated even with their thinking. When their thinking has become outdated, they have outsourced their work... Such a huge party, which ruled the country for decades has seen such a downfall. We are not delighted, our sympathies with you. But what can the doctor do if the patient himself... what do I add?"

"In the 10 years of Congress, the Indian economy was in fragile five. Congress government was known for policy paralysis. On the other hand, in our 10 years, India has been one of the top five economies. Our 10 years will be remembered for big and decisive decisions."
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