'My husband was attacked in US, please help!'
February 07, 2024  12:51
The wife of the Indian student who was allegedly brutally attacked in Chicago has written to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar requesting his assistance in getting him medical aid. 

 The student Syed Mazahir Ali pursuing a master's degree in the US was attacked by three people in Chicago on Sunday, according to his wife Syeda Ruquiya Fatima Razvi. She said that she received a call from her husband's friend on February 4 in which she got to know about the attack on Ali.

Razvi told ANI, "My husband, Mazahir Ali, went to Chicago. On the fourth of February, there was a deadly attack on him. He was going home at around 1 am when three people got out of the car and attacked him. They also attacked them with a gun. My friend called me and I got to know at around 4 am that he was attacked. At around 6 am, I got a WhatsApp video which showed that he was bleeding heavily. After that, I couldn't talk to him much." 

 "He is very injured. He has suffered injuries and mentally his health is not stable. The government has not given him any special medical treatment. I am appealing to the local government to help me so that he can have a medical and legal action. So that he can have medical help as he is not in a state to talk. I am requesting the Ministry of External Affairs and the Government of India to issue an emergency visa for me so that I can go to my husband and support him with my three children," she added. 

 She has also written a letter to Jaishankar, seeking his help in getting medical treatment for her husband and if possible, making necessary arrangements so that she can travel to the US along with her minor children. -- ANI
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