Three UP cops suspended for concealing gun recovery from plumber's scooter
September 30, 2023  09:10
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Three policemen were suspended for allegedly failing to reveal the recovery of a country-made pistol from the scooter of a plumber, a senior officer has said. 

Head constable Chaubey Singh, constable Omveer Singh and constable (driver) Anil Kumar -- all posted at Kithore police station -- were suspended on charges of laxity in the discharge of their duties, senior superintendent of police Rohit Singh Sajwan said on Friday. 

The three on Thursday recovered a country-made pistol from a scooter parked at the house of one Firoz, a local plumber. Sajwan said the three did not inform their seniors about the recovery nor carried out the procedure as per law, which shows laxity in discharge of duty on their part, and also tarnishes the image of the police department. 

Firoz on Thursday accused the police of planting a gun inside his scooter with the purpose of extorting money from him. 

The police checked the CCTV and dismissed his allegation as false. 

According to Firoz, on Wednesday night, three policemen came outside his house and called out his name. 

He was not there so his mother came out. 

The policemen first asked about him and then asked for the keys of the scooter. 

After this, according to him, the three lifted the seat of the scooter and planted a pistol inside. 

They made a video and left with the scooter. -- PTI
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