Tunnel collapse: Workers can hear rescuers now
November 20, 2023  17:10
Uttarkashi tunnel collapse: "We have achieved our first breakthrough, for which we had been trying for the last nine days and was our first priority. A 6-inch pipe has been installed and they (trapped workers) can hear us through it. We will now provide them with food and medical supplies through that pipe," says Anshu Mansish Khalkho, Director, NHIDCL. 

An international tunneling expert, Arnold Dix, arrived at the disaster site to review the rescue efforts, now in its ninth day. 

Dix heads the Geneva-based International Tunneling and Underground Space Association. 

"Necessary rescue equipment and resources are being provided by the Centre, and through mutual coordination between central and state agencies, the trapped workers will be safely evacuated," PM Modi said, according to a statement issued by the Uttarakhand Chief Minister's Office.

It is necessary to keep up the morale of the trapped workers, the prime minister said. It was for the third time that PM Modi spoke to CM Dhami about the rescue operations being carried out at the tunnel. 
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