4 Indians scale Mt Everest
May 18, 2023  22:24
Pic: Phurba Tenjing Sherpa/Reuters
Pic: Phurba Tenjing Sherpa/Reuters
At least four Indian mountaineers successfully scaled Mt. Everest on Wednesday, the organisers said on Thursday. 

Yashi Jain, 25, Mithil Raju, 17, Sunil Kumar, 32 and Pankhi Haris Chhed, 32, reached the 8,848.86 metres-high peak, according to Rishi Bhandari, managing director of Satori Adventure, which organised the expedition. 

Among them, Sunil and Yashi also successfully climbed Lhotse, the fourth-highest peak on Thursday, according to Bhandari. 

Sunil scaled Lhotse 23 hours after he scaled Mt Everest, the world's highest. 

Similarly, Yashi climbed Lhotse after over 26 hours after she successfully scaled Everest. 

Lhotse is the fourth tallest peak in the world with a height of 8,516 metres. 

Nineteen mountaineers, including five foreigners, reached the summit of the world's highest peak this weekend. 

Sherpa guides will fix ropes and make the paths for the hundreds of climbers who will attempt to scale the peak over the next few weeks. 

On Sunday, five foreigners climbed the summit of Mount Everest. 

Nepal has issued a record 466 permits to climb Mount Everest this spring, officials said. 

Nepal is home to eight of the world's 10 highest peaks. 
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