UP ATS grills Pak citizen Seema Haider
July 17, 2023  21:19
The Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday questioned Pakistani citizen Seema Haider, who entered India illegally in May and is now living with her Indian partner Sachin Meena in Greater Noida, officials said.

The development comes a day after UP ATS arrested a suspected agent of Pakistan's intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in Lucknow on charges of supplying 'vital information about defence establishments' to his handlers in the neighbouring country.

The questioning of the Pakistani woman by the ATS also comes at a time when a little-known right-wing fringe group in Greater Noida has threatened of a protest if Haider, who illegally entered India with her four children, is not evicted from the country 'within 72 hours'.

A senior officer confirmed to PTI that Haider was being interrogated by the ATS on Monday and that local police were not involved in it.

Local police are separately investigating the case and are yet to file a chargesheet, the officer said.  -- PTI
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