Modi's popularity waning: Cong ahead of Oppn meet
July 17, 2023  10:54
 Claiming "BJP is clueless and their policies are hurting India," Karnataka Minister Priyank Kharge on Monday said the leaders of Opposition parties are gathering in Bengaluru to "preserve the idea of India" and the Constitution.

"We have all come together with a certain ideology, and we have come together to preserve the idea of India and the Constitution. If the BJP has a problem with our unity, it means that they are afraid that they will be unseated," the Congress leader told ANI ahead of the 2-day opposition meeting starting in Bengaluru today. 

"You can also see how BJP's and Prime Minister's Modi's magic is waning...This goes to show that Mr Modi's popularity is down, BJP is clueless and their policies are hurting India," the minister added.

On AAP's participation in the joint opposition meeting after Congress declared to oppose the Centre's Ordinance overturning Supreme Court ruling vesting powers in the Delhi government, Karnataka Minister said they were "against the dictatorial attitude" of the central government.

"We are very clear on what is happening in Delhi. The Ordinance route that they (the Centre) have taken to take away the powers of the state government is not in good taste. Today it is happening in Delhi, tomorrow it might happen in Karnataka. So, we are against this dictatorial attitude of the Central Govt," he said.

Leaders of at least 25 Opposition parties will converge at a hotel in Bengaluru on July 17-18 as part of their efforts to present a united front against the BJP government at the Centre.

Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar, has been deputed as in-charge to monitor all the preparations for the meeting.
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