Maha: Sand mafia attack tehsilar in Jalna
February 23, 2023  11:24
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A tehsilar (revenue official) in Maharashtra's Jalna district has been allegedly attacked by sand mafia over action against the latter for illegal extraction of sand and its transportation, police said on Thursday. 

 The incident took place on Wednesday at the office of Ambad tehsildar, who had seized three vehicles of the accused for carrying sand extracted illegally on Tuesday, they said.

 The accused allegedly barged into the office of the tehsildar and beat him up, an official from Ambad police station said. 

 The other staff present there tried to stop the accused, but he threatened them with dire consequences and ran away, he said. 

 After being alerted, police rushed to the spot and took the tehsilar's statement and also retrieved the CCTV footage, the official said. A case was registered against the accused under relevant provisions, the police said, adding that search was on for him. -- PTI 
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