Union minister Paras says he received threat call, files police complaint
August 23, 2023  23:52
Union minister Pashupati Kumar Paras on Wednesday claimed that he received a threat call, and urged the Union home ministry to look into the episode behind which he suspected the hand of his nephew Chirag Paswan. 

Talking to reporters in Patna, Paras said the call was received at the telephone of his official residence in Delhi around midnight on Tuesday, and a police complaint was lodged on his behalf. 

"I have also telephoned the Superintendent of Police of Vaishali district as the call seems to have been made from there," said the minister whose Lok Sabha constituency is in Vaishali. 

Paras also played an audio clip, purportedly of the threat call, in which the caller can be heard uttering the phrase thok denge (will bump off) while threatening to blacken the face of the minister. 

"I am also sending a written complaint to the Union Home Ministry since I evidently face a threat to my life. This is despite the fact that I have been in public life since the 1970s, and have never had any enemies," said the Hajipur MP, who won the seat in 2019 when his late elder brother Ram Vilas Paswan gave it up. 

When asked if he suspected anybody known to him of involvement in the incident, Paras said, "There are some people who are envious of my political success. They have done nothing for their own constituency and want to snatch away mine." -- PTI
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