Not slip of tongue: Rijiju on Adhir's 'Rashtrapatni'
July 29, 2022  14:17
Union Minister Kiren Rijiju continues the tirade against Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury: "It was not a slip of tongue. If you watch the clip, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury clearly (referred to President Murmu as) 'Rashtrapati' twice, then he corrected himself to say 'Rashtrapatni.' 

"Such matters should not be taken lightly. He is an anti-national and anti-tribal person. And how can he trivialise this issue by saying that he can go to the President and seek an apology? Is it that simple? It is condemnable."

Yesterday, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury explained the use of the word 'Rashtrapatni' while referring to President Murmu saying, "I am a Bengali, I am not used to Hindi. I made a mistake, I agree," Chowdhury said on the issue that refused to die down. 

"I have sought time from the President and I will apologise to her. But I will not apologise to these 'pakhandis' (hypocrites)," says Chowdhury outside Parliament.

"I can't even think of insulting the President. It was just a mistake.They can hang me if they want. I am ready to get punished but why is she (Sonia Gandhi) being dragged in this?" he asked after the BJP demanded that Sonia Gandhi apologise for his remarks. 

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