Indias Taliban stumper
August 23, 2021  11:18
There was a time when the Indian Parliament demanded from then External Affairs Minister IK Gujral that so long as a single Indian remained stranded on Kuwaiti soil in the downstream of the cataclysmic Gulf War of 1990, the embassy must remain open to arrange their repatriation.

 I was deputed that same evening to rush to Kuwait to reopen the embassy. Which I did, reaching Riyadh, borrowing an SUV, forthwith crossing the no-man's land into Kuwait and driving through the burning oil fields, literally in darkness at noon '" just a week after war ended '" wading through columns of US military convoys to locate any Indian who might be trapped in refugee camps, to arrange their repatriation, writes MK Bhadrakumar. Read the column here.  
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