HC grants bail to IIT-Guwahati student accused of rape
August 23, 2021  13:01
The Gauhati High Court granted bail to a student of the IIT-Guwahati, accused of raping a fellow student, calling both of them "the state's future assets". 

 Hearing a bail application by the accused BTech student, Justice Ajit Borthakur said there is a clear prima facie case as alleged against the petitioner based on all the evidence. 

 "However, as the investigation in the case is completed and both the informant/victim girl and the accused are the state's future assets being talented students pursuing technical courses at the IIT, Guwahati,... continuation of detention of the accused...if charges are framed, may not be necessary," the order said. 

 The court in its order on August 13 noted that both are young -- in the age group of 19 to 21 -- and further, they hailed from two different states. 

 "A perusal of the list of witnesses too, cited in the charge-sheet, this Court finds no possibility of the accused tampering with their evidence or influencing them directly or indirectly, if released on bail," it added. Accordingly, the high court granted bail to the accused for Rs 30,000 bond along with two sureties. -- ANI
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