'Heartbroken': Pichai, Nadella pledge help to India
April 26, 2021  11:19
Google CEO Sundar Pichai and his Microsoft counterpart Satya Nadella assured help to India as the country battles a ravaging coronavirus crisis.

Sundar Pichai tweeted that Google  will provide a Rs 135 crore funding to UNICEF and the non-profit Give India for medical supplies, supporting high-risk communities, and grants to help spread critical information about the deadly virus.

"Devastated to see the worsening Covid crisis in India," the Alphabet chief tweeted.

Satya Nadella said he was "heartbroken" by the current coronavirus situation in India and added that his company will continue to use its resources and technology for relief efforts and support buying oxygen devices.

In a tweet, the Indian-American CEO also thanked the United States government that has assured help to India amid the crisis.

"I am heartbroken by the current situation in India. I'm grateful the U.S. government is mobilizing to help. Microsoft will continue to use its voice, resources, and technology to aid relief efforts, and support the purchase of critical oxygen concentration devices," his tweet read.
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