Proud of Bihar Regiment's valour: PM on Ladakh
June 20, 2020  12:17
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launches Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyaan through video conferencing to generate employment for migrants who returned home during coronavirus lockdown.

"I pay homage to soldiers who sacrificed their lives for country," said the PM on Ladakh stand-off while launching the rural works scheme.

"The country is proud of the sacrifice made by our braves in Ladakh. Today, when I am speaking to people of Bihar, I will say the valour was of Bihar Regiment, every Bihari is proud of it," Modi said.

He said COVID-19 is a huge menace and the whole world has been shaken by it.

"But you stood tall. The way India's villages have fought corona, it has taught a lesson even to the cities," Modi said.  -- PTI/ANI
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