PM's remarks being misinterpreted, says govt
June 20, 2020  14:19
The government has issued clarification on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comments that no one entered Indian territory and no Indian posts were taken over.

'Attempts are being made in some quarters to give a mischievous interpretation to remarks by the prime minister at the all-party meeting yesterday,' a statement by the Prime Minister's Office said.

'PM Modi's comment that there was no Chinese presence on Indian side of LAC pertained to situation following bravery of armed forces,' the Prime Minister's Office said.

'Sacrifices of soldiers foiled attempt of Chinese side to erect structures and also cleared attempted transgression in Galwan on June 15,' the PMO said.

'Words of the PM that those who tried to transgress were taught befitting lesson by our brave sons succinctly summed up ethos of armed forces,' the statement said.

'It is unfortunate that unnecessary controversy over PM's remarks being created at a time when brave soldiers are defending our borders,' it said.

'Focus of PM's remarks at all-party meeting was events of June 15 at Galwan that led to loss of lives of 20 soldiers,' the PMO said.   -- PTI
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