fter Aramco attacks, Saudi Arabia to enhance anti-terror cooperation with India
September 25, 2019  17:52
Nearly two weeks after worst ever drone and missile attacks on its oil facilities, Saudi Arabia has said it will ramp up cooperation with India in combating terrorism, including by choking flow of funds to terror groups and boosting intelligence sharing. 

Saudi Ambassador Dr Saud bin Mohammed Al Sati said India and Saudi Arabia are closely cooperating with each other in fighting terrorism and enhancing their level of engagement to deal with the menace. 

A series of drone and missile attacks on the oil facilities of Saudi Aramco, the country's largest petroleum company, on September 14 knocked out half its daily oil production, severely impacting the global oil market and triggering fresh tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Yemen's Houthi terror group has taken responsibility for the biggest-ever attacks on Saudi oil facilities. Saudi Arabia and its ally, the US, have blamed Iran for the attacks but Tehran has strongly denied the allegations. -- PTI
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