Kochi student infected with deadly Nipah virus
June 04, 2019  10:28
Kerala Health Minister KK Shailaja confirmed Tuesday that a 23-year-old college student admitted to a hospital in Kochi has been infected with the Nipah virus. The results of blood samples of the student, which were tested at the National Institute of Virology in Pune, have confirmed Nipah, she said. The result came this morning, she said. 

The student has been admitted to a private hospital. Earlier, blood samples examined at two virology institutes -- Manipal Institute of Virology and Kerala Institute of Virology and Infectious Diseases -- had indicated Nipah.  

Sixteen persons lost their lives to the Nipah virus in Kerala last year. The natural host of the virus is believed to be fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family, Pteropus genus.

File pic: Staff at a hospital in Kochi take precautions when the virus affected several patients in 2018.
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