Jiggs Kalra - czar of Indian cuisine - dies
June 04, 2019  11:34
Jiggs Kalra, the 'Czar of Indian Cuisine' and a pioneer food columnist, is no more. He was in his early seventies. 

A Padma Shri recipient, Kalra, in career spanning close to 50 years has been instrumental in introducing Indian cuisine to the international audience and has cooked for Prince Charles and Princess Diana, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Bill Clinton among many luminaries.

He has also authored over 11 titles on Indian cuisine. 

Food columnist and journalist Vir Sanghvi tweeted, "Goodbye old friend.The great Jiggs Kalra who did so much to rediscover the lost secrets of Indian food and who gave chefs their rightful place in the sun goes off to that great kitchen in the sky to ensure that the gods eat his wonderful food.There will never be another Jiggs." 

Jiggs has been wheelchair bound for a while now and his son Zorawar, owns and manages Massive Restaurants Pvt Ltd, which runs three restaurants - Masala Library, a fine dine brand; Made in Punjab, a casual-dining chain and Farzi Cafe, an Indian bistro serving molecular gastronomy from world. 

Photograph: Courtesy, Zorawar Kalra on Facebook
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