Javadekar launches #SelfiewithSapling campaign, urges people to take part
June 04, 2019  19:08
Calling for active public participation in World Environment Day celebrations on June 5, Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday launched #SelfieWithSapling campaign, urging people to plant a sapling and click a selfie with it.

Javadekar, who took charge of as the environment minister on Saturday, said 'jan bhagidari' (people's participation) is integral to tackling environmental issues and it has to be a people's movement.

"June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day. I am sure people of this country will enthusiastically participate in it. I appeal to the people to plant a sapling, click a picture with it and post it on social media using '#SelfieWithSapling'. We need such initiatives as we are creating a carbon sink," the minister said.

"The Modi government believes that environment is not just a government programme but a people's programme," he added.

World Environment Day 2019 will be hosted by China with a theme of 'Air Pollution'.

In January this year, the Centre launched the National Clean Air Programme to reduce air pollution by 2024.

-- PTI
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