Hizbul's Riyaz Naikoo tops list of Home Ministry's 10 most wanted terrorists in Kashmir
June 04, 2019  22:08
Amit Shah, who took over as Home Minister on Saturday, has been holding marathon review meetings with several agency heads to gauge the law and order situation in India. And it seems like Jammu and Kashmir is on top of the agenda. 

In the last three days, Amit Shah has met Director Intelligence Bureau Rajiv Jain and Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba. He has also been briefed by Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satyapal Malik. As per reports, security agencies have prepared a fresh list of top 10 targets in the Valley.

Security agencies have already eliminated 101 terrorists from January till May 31, 2019, which averages to 20 terrorists per month. As per officials, out of the 101 militants, 23 were foreigners and 78 local. They include top commanders such as Zakir Musa, the chief of so-called Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, a group affiliated with Al Qaeda.

But what is keeping the security establishment worried is the large number of new recruits.

According to security agencies, 50 youngsters have joined various terror outfits since March and the security establishment needs to find a better way to cut off the supply chain and can even consider educating families on radicalisation of the youth. This fresh top 10 list includes the terrorist from Hizbul Mujahideen, Lashkar, Jaish and Al-Badr.

Hizbul Mujahideen chief Riyaz Naikoo is at the top of the list. He is from Bandipora and falls in A++ category.

Terrorists are listed under different categories - from A++ (being the highest) to A+, A and B. An A++ category terrorist is first on the hit list of security forces.

Riyaz Naikoo is followed by Wasim Ahmed alias Osama from Lashkar camp. Wasim Ahmad is district commander of Sophian, agencies said.

Mohamammad Ashraf Khan alias Ashraf Maulawi is at No 3 on the list. He is allegedly active in Anantnag and associated with Hizbul Mujahideen.

Next in the list is Mehrazuddin. Believed to be from Hizbul camp, he is reportedly active in Baramulla and is area district commander.
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