I'm unlike other netas, says PM amid Modi chants
August 23, 2019  14:53
PM Narendra Modi addresses the Indian community in Paris, at the UNESCO HQ: 

"I have come to a nation of football lovers, you very well know the importance of a goal, that is the ultimate achievement. You know the value of a goal. In the last five years, we have laid such goals that were earlier considered impossible

"When India or France get an achievement, we are happy for each other. The number of supporters of France's football team in India may not be more than that in France.

"Since France is a football playing country, let me stay on the metaphor of goals. To achieve victory you need goals. In past 5 years or so we in India have set goals for ourselves which we are working at break neck speed to achieve. Ye naya Hindustan hai. This is the new India.  

"I want to tell you that India is now surging ahead, mandate we got is not merely for running a govt but for building a new India.  In new India, the way in which action is being taken against corruption, dynasty politics, loot of people's money, terrorism, this has never happened before. Within 75 days of the new Govt coming to power we took many strong decisions. 

"I salute all those including the great Indian nuclear physicist Homi Bhaba, who lost their lives in the two crashes (Air India plane crashes, in 1950 and 1966 in France's Saint Gervais). 

"I am not like other politicians, "says PM amid 'Modi, Modi 'chants. 

"The relationship between India and France is hundreds of years old. Our friendship rests not on any selfishness but on solid ideals of 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. For me Infra means India-France."
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