Indian Participation in Kenyas Freedom Struggle
January 12, 2017  13:19
In the wake of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta's visit to India, do read this blog to understand how far back and how close India's relations with Kenya go back. Incidentally, Jomo Kenyatta, the later Kenyan president mentioned in the blog, is Uhuru Kenyatta's grandfather.

"Kenyans are still ignorant of their history, especially the one of the freedom struggle. A new generation has become of age without the awareness of the real history of the struggle that brought forth the current society.

"One of the ways to achieve this is to document authentic accounts on the history of the freedom struggle and the progressive anti colonial stand of the Kenyan people from all diverse backgrounds. The desire on the part of the people of Kenya to rule themselves gave amazing power to the freedom struggle."

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