US must be unpredictable to defeat terror groups like IS: Trump
March 10, 2016  22:15
The US needs to be "unpredictable" to defeat terror groups like Islamic State and take its enemies head on, Republican presidential front-runner
Donald Trump said today.

"We're going to knock out ISIS so fast. And we have to be a little bit unpredictable. I have a specific thing, but we have to be a little bit unpredictable. I'm so tired of saying, we're going to attack from here and we're going to attack from....I don't want to talk about it. I want to just do it," Trump told Fox News in a Town Hall in North Carolina, which
goes to primary polls on March 15.
"We have to knock them out," Trump reiterated amidst a large applause from the audience.

To the surprise of political pundits, the real estate tycoon, who joined politics some nine months ago, has been drawing huge crowd across the nation. 
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