'The quake couldn't jolt spirit, warmth of Nepalese people'
May 09, 2015  18:20
The 7.9-magnitude temblor may have killed thousands of people and destroyed more than two lakh houses, but it could not jolt the spirit and warmth of the Nepalese people, foreign visitors to the country say. The people of Nepale have shown extraordinary resilience in this hour of unimaginable tragedy, they say. Mark Van Steeter, a 51-year-old university professor from the US, had come to Nepal to trek the Annapurna Circuit. The massive quake thwarted his plans. But, says Steeter, he is going home with "great memories."

"I was in Kathmandu for a few days after returning from Ghorepani. I was taking a walk in the city, when I stopped by at a shop to have cold drinks. There, I saw a big crack coming from the top to the bottom on the side of the shop.

"And, while I was leaving, the shop's owner came up to me and said, 'please do come again to Kathmandu...you can live in my house.' That really touched me," he says.
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