EXCLUSIVE! President's Kalam's advice to young India
November 06, 2014  14:16
During his presidency, President A P J Abdul Kalam received a letter from a student shocked with his class 12th marksheet.

He had scored 10 per cent in Maths and Physics, whereas throughout his school career, he had always scored 90 per cent and more.

He wrote to the President of India, asking for his help. President Kalam referred his case to the authorities and two weeks later got a reply that indeed there was a mistake in the evaluation and the marks had been rectified.

In the last 15 years, President Kalam -- arguably India's most popular President and among the founders of the country's space programme -- has interacted with 18 million young Indians, face-to-face, through e-mail and over Facebook. He receives 300 e-mails every day.

Some of these letters appear in his latest book Forge Your Future, which provides an insight into the issues which concern and engage the minds of young Indians today.

President Kalam in conversation with Rediff.com's Archana Masih. Read
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