Being a Chinese govt official one of the worst jobs in the world
April 26, 2013  10:12
Life as a Chinese government official isn't what it used to be. Lavish, liquor-heavy banquets have been outlawed. 

It will soon be harder to get those handy military license plates, useful for avoiding hassle from traffic police. 

And these days, with China's army of voracious and ever-watchful bloggers, every inappropriate smile, public temper tantrum, or luxury watch collection soon gets seen by the entire country.

The plight of the Chinese official isnt an issue many rally behind. The thousands of men and women who help run the country in posts ranging from head of an industrial park to a minister, are vilified by the public for their wealth, elite connections, and privileged treatment. 

Officials are more often than not seen as part of Chinas problems with government corruption and negligence.

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