Mon, 29 October 2012
NY Stock exchange to be shut on Tuesday as well

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23:46   Sandy claims 69 lives across the Caribbean
Residents of Cuba's second-largest city of Santiago remained without power or running water today, four days after Hurricane Sandy made landfall as the island's deadliest storm in seven years, ripping rooftops from homes and toppling power lines. The death toll across the Caribbean rose to 69.

Cuban authorities have not yet estimated the economic toll, but the Communist Party newspaper Granma reported there was "severe damage to housing, economic activity, fundamental public services and institutions of education, health and culture."

Sandy killed 11 people on the island including a 4-month-old boy, making it the deadliest since 2005's Hurricane Dennis, a category 5 monster that killed 16 people and did USD 2.4 billion in damage. More than 130,000 homes were damaged by Sandy, including 15,400 that were destroyed, Granma said.
23:42   MJ Akbar quits India Today
Veteran journalist, columnist and author MJ Akbar has put in his papers at India Today after a two-year stint. 

His last day is October 31, 2012. 

MJ had joined India Today as Editorial Director. He was also Editorial Director of the groups English news channel Headlines Today.

He is likely to take up a teaching assignment in the US
23:39   NYC Mayor Bloomberg warns of storm surge
New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has warned people that Hurricane Sandy is a "massive storm" and the greatest danger posed is the coastal storm surge.

Authorities warned that high tides triggered by a full moon could create storm surges of up 11ft (3m), sending seawater surging through parts of lower Manhattan.Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on America's most densely populated region, with storm surges and flooding forecast up and down the East Coast.

Thousands have been ordered to evacuate New York City and New Jersey. The storm could affect 50 million people.
23:37   NY Stock exchange to be shut on Tuesday as well
Sandy updates: The New York Stock Exchange will be closed again Tuesday because of Hurricane Sandy, the exchange said.

NYSE rarely shuts down for weather-related emergencies: Hurricane Gloria in 1985, and a snowstorm in 1969 were the last major weather events to bring the exchange to a halt.

Monday marks the first unscheduled market-wide shutdown since September 2001, when markets were closed for four full trading days following the Sept 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

The last market-wide shutdown was on January 2, 2007, in accordance with the country's national day of morning in memory of President Gerald Ford, who had died a week earlier.
23:07   NYC Guv: 'Do not be fooled if there is a lull'
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweets: #Sandy tip: Keep curtains & blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull; it could be the eye of the storm - winds will pick up again
23:02   Election will take care of itself next week: Obama
Hurricane Sandy update: President Barack Obama has said that he is not worried about how Hurricane Sandy might affect the election. 

"I am not worried at this point about the impact on the election. I'm worried about the impact on families. I'm worried about the impact on first responders. I'm worried about the economy and transportation," he told reporters. "The election will take care of itself next week."

President Barack Obama called on Americans to heed local storm evacuation orders Monday. Anyone who doesn't follow evacuation orders, he said, is "putting first responders in danger."
22:53   Sandy: Over 35,000 without power in New Jersey
Hurricane Sandy update: If your power goes out, don't try to fix it yourself, New Jersey Gov Chris Christie said.

"If you do not have power, please do not choose today as the time you decide to tap into your creative juices and jerry-rig a power source. If it looks stupid, it is stupid," he said.

By Monday afternoon, more than 35,000 customers had lost power throughout the state.

As Sandy approaches, the resort towns along the New Jersey shoreline are bearing the brunt of the hurricane's force. A real estate agent in Sea Isle is updating his website with images of flooded properties and streets.
22:19   Obama declares emergency in 8 cities
US President Barack Obama has signed emergency declarations for Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia, according to the White House.

This paves the way for federal assistance with preparations and recovery
21:37   Water levels rising in NYC; Sandy speed at 145km
BBC reports: Water levels are rising in New York City. Streets in the borough of Queens are now under water.Sandy's wind speeds are picking up, the latest forecasts say, with sustained speeds of 90 mph (145km) as it approaches the US mainland.Earlier, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley gave a gloomy forecast of the impact of the hurricane for his state.

"There will be people who die and are killed in this storm," he said.
21:04   Congress accuses Dhumal's PA of alluring voters
A former minister and Congress leader today alleged that Chief Minister P K Dhumal's personal assistant was found distributing money amongst voters in Hamirpur.

"Some Congressmen had spotted the chief minister's PA distributing money amongst voters in Hamirpur. But as soon as the matter was reported to police, the police made him to slip," Surinder Singla, former Punjab finance minister, alleged at a press conference.

He further claimed that the deputy commissioner Hamirpur refused to respond to the allegation when the matter was brought to his notice.
20:25   One killed in grenade blast in Assam
A teenage boy was killed and another injured when unidentified persons exploded a hand grenade near the north gate of the railway station today, police said.

Two persons, including the 14-year old boy, were injured in the blast that took place at about 6.30 pm. He succumbed to injuries on the way to hospital. Security forces have cordoned off the entire area.
19:57   Hurricane Sandy: AI, Jet cancel flights to the US
Jet Airways and Air India today cancelled its flights to Newark and New York due to Hurricane Sandy which is set to hit the East Coast of the United States. 

These are among more than 7,600 flights that have been cancelled across cities on the East Coast due to the hurricane even as millions of people were evacuated from cities that are likely to be affected.

An Air India spokesperson said the airline's AI 191 Mumbai- Newark and AI 101 Delhi-New York, scheduled for today have been cancelled, while tomorrow's flights have been rescheduled for departure at 1 pm.
19:34   All US exchanges shut down before Hurricane Sandy
All major US stock and options exchanges, including the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, suspended all trading today for the first time since the 9/11 terror attacks as America braced for Hurricane Sandy, one of the most dangerous storms to hit the country.

The NYSE had initially said it will open its trading floor but decided to remain shut, a first since the September 11 attacks when the exchange was closed for three days.
18:58   Shiv Sena against making set top box compulsory
Shiv Sena has opposed the compulsory set top box policy, calling it an "additional burden" on the common man. 

Questioning the deadline of October 31 for setting up of the box in households, Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray said there were economic considerations for the government behind the move.
18:53   Mere circulation of fake currency not terror act: HC
Observing that mere circulation or possession of fake currency notes does not amount to terror activities as defined under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the Bombay High Court today granted bail to a person arrested for possessing counterfeit notes worth Rs two lakh. 

Justice A M Thipsay was hearing a plea filed by one Ravi Dhiren Ghosh, apprehended on May 14, 2009, along with five others, for alleged possession of fake currency notes, seeking the relief on the ground that the even after three years since his arrest the trial has not commenced and his custody was not required anymore.
18:32   PM rewarded corrupt ministers with promotions: BJP
BJP today alleged that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has rewarded the corrupt ministers with "promotions" in the reshuffle and shied away from giving Cabinet berths to the young leaders.

"Some new ministers have been inducted into the Manmohan Singh Cabinet in his last ditch but unsuccessful attempt to save his sinking ship. People had expected that he will try to wash away some of the taint but the tainted ministers enjoy his support while the clean ones have been ignored," BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said.

He maintained that the tainted ministers have been given a new life by Singh and the government is more tainted now than it was before the Cabinet reshuffle. Hussain said that the reshuffle seems to be part of the Congress' design to divert attention from the coal scam and other scandals.

"Though the BJP has never had any expectations from the UPA government, it has given promotions to those ministers who were facing allegations. It seems levelling of charges against a minister is not considered a negative point but is actually a plus," Hussain said.
18:30   More trouble ahead for Kingfisher Airlines
Kingfisher Airlines, which days ago emerged out of an impasse over salary payment to its staff, is likely to face more trouble soon with the Revenue Department deciding to move the Supreme Court to expedite recovery of about Rs 330 crore dues.

The department's decision to move a Special Leave Petition comes in the backdrop of the Airports Authority of India (AAI) also asking it to vacate two hangars in Kolkata and Chennai airports to recover dues worth Rs 293 crore, official sources said. 
An unimpressive VK Singh still reading from his notes asks how can the PM allow FDI "when the people don't want it, when there's so much opposition."

He adds, "The British haven't looted India in 65 years as much as our governments have done. If the government is not working for the people, it is the duty of the people to get rid of the government. That is why we need new Parliamentarians, we need new people who are honest, have good character, who can take on the government,"says Singh.

It's official now, VK Singh has definitely joined up with Anna Hazare.
18:07   Dissolve Parl: Ex-Army chief shares stage with Anna
Former Army chief VK Singh addressing a joint press conference with Anna Hazare right now. Reading from his notes, Singh says the government is anti democracy. "The government is not concerned with its people and Parliament must be dissolved," says Singh. 

In August this year, Singh had shared the dais with Anna Hazare at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi. He had arrived at the Team Anna protest site shortly before the protesting activists were to call off their fast at 5 pm.

A distinctly uncomfortable VK Singh now says that the Congress and Opposition are silent on major issues. "Farm land is being distributed to corporates. LPG prices have risen and the reason being given is that petroleum companies are running huge losses. But that's not true."
18:01   Pak agrees to allow visit of NIA team to examine 26/11 evidence
Pakistan has in-principle agreed to allow a team of Indian investigators to go to that country to examine the evidence collected against arrested LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and six others, who are being tried in 26/11 terror attack case there.

However, Islamabad is yet to give dates for the visit of National Investigation team, which will also try to understand why the Pakistani court was not ready to accept the evidence collected by a Pakistani judicial commission during its visit to India in March.
17:57   A conversation with Asha Bhat, Kashmir panchayat leader
Asha Bhat is the only female Kashmiri Pandit in Kashmir valley to serve on the village council known as a panchayat. She won a seat on the Wussan village panchayat in April 2011, when the state held council elections for the first time in more than three decades. In conversationwith the the NYT
17:44   Not upset to be technology minister, insists Reddy
K Jaipal Reddy addresses a press conference as he assumes office as the science and technology minister. Trashing reports that he was upset over the transfer from the critical petroleum minister to the relatively obscure S&T ministry, Reddy says he is excited about his new assignment. "Science and Technology is a key ministry. I'm not an officer that I have to handover charge. When I took over the petroleum ministry, I did not take over responsibility from Murli Deora. I want to say again that I am not upset.

"I am a truthful minister and I have no regrets, but I do not want to comment on my earlier portfolio," said Reddy. 
17:13   The ball is now in the RBIs court
The government is pressuring the Reserve Bank of India to cut its key lending rates when it meets to review its monetary policy tomorrow. The government feels that it has done its bit to encourage economic growth. Read
17:11   Father has to support daughter till marriage: HC
The Bombay High Court has held that a father is duty-bound to provide maintenance to his unmarried daughter till she enters into wedlock.

The judgement was delivered by Justice K U Chandiwal who asked a Bahrain-based man to pay maintenance to his eldest daughter even though she had attained majority.

The court overruled a family Court order which had rejected his wife's claim requiring her husband to pay maintenance to her eldest daughter who was not married and financially independent.
17:04   PIX: Kamasutra, now in 3D, and starring Sherlyn Chopra!
Ms Chopra is back in the news... After posing nude for Playboy magazine, starlet Sherlyn Chopra will star in Rupesh Paul's Kamasutra 3D. The film was announced at the Cannes film festival this year, and will premiere at Cannes next year. The casting is still on, and Paul claims that two popular and senior Bollywood actors will have pivotal roles in the film. On
16:34   Whats in a NaMo? A troubling cult
Narendra Modi's authoritarian model of leadership is a threat to the BJP, the RSS and India. Read Harish Khare's column for the Hindu. 
Frankenstorm Sandy seen from space. Watch
16:19   Abandon ship! Crew caught in approaching Storm Sandy
Update on Hurricane Sandy. The Coast Guard has said it is monitoring the safety of a tall ship which is in distress nearly 100 miles off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The owner of the MS Bounty- a replica of a vessel made famous in the Marlon Brando film Mutiny on the Bounty- called the Coast Guard after losing contact with the crew on Sunday night, AP reports. The 180-foot, three-masted ship...has 17 people aboard. More on the Guardian.

The crew of HMS Bounty off the coast of North Carolina are abandoning ship, CBC News reports.
16:03   Begum Khaleda Zia meets PM Manmohan Singh
Former Bangladesh prime minister and leader of the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), called on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, today.

According to official sources, the meeting was cordial and lasted approximately for thirty minutes. Both leaders discussed a variety of issues, including bilateral matters.

Begum Zia, according to official sources, was appreciative of various Indian initiatives, including efforts to liberalise trade and to provide power. She also expressed satisfaction over India working out issues related to the Tipaimukh Dam and on border management, including deaths on the border.

New foreign minister Salman Khurshid is expected to call on a Zia today. He will also be holding a series of bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of 10 countries, including Iran, on the sidelines of the IOR-ARC meet.
15:53   David Attenborough: force of nature
David Attenborough may have lived the perfect life, travelling the world and seeing its wonders before tourism ravaged them. He talks to Robin McKie about his early regrets, battles with climate change deniers, and his favourite place on Earth. Read
dharmesh thakkar @news_houndz  My first boss in Asian Age MJ Akbar quits India Today group. Likely to take up teaching assignment in US
15:40   Journalist, columnist MJ Akbar quits India Today
Veteran journalist, columnist and author MJ Akbar has put in his papers at India Today after a two-year stint. His last day is October 31, 2012. MJ had joined India's No.1 English magazine as Editorial Director.

He was also Editorial Director of the group's English news channel Headlines Today. Read more
15:31   Sadly, even James Bond has a price
James Bond fans in the UK are being forced to sit through as long as 30 minutes of advertisements before the screening of Skyfall at movie halls.

The 23rd Bond film, which released in the UK on October 26, is being used as a medium to promote a number of brands with a number of commercials and previews being shown long before the opening credits, reported Daily Mail.

Five of the adverts feature the secret agent, including ones for Heineken, Omega watches and a Bond aftershave. And even before Adele's opening theme, the spy, played by Daniel Craig, appears in an action sequence with the camera lingering on his Omega watch.

The onslaught of brands prompted many fans to complain on Twitter. "Product placement aplenty and Adele hasn't even sung yet," said one. Another wrote, "Wow, sickening number of Bond product placement ads. Am sick of 007 and Skyfall hasn't even started yet!"

Many grew even unhappier once the film began. They were irked by seeing Bond enjoying Heineken instead of his trademark Martini, and by the frequent use of Sony products. 
15:24   'Saudi textbooks incite hate'
Despite promises to reform their textbooks, the Saudi education system continues to indoctrinate children with hatred and incitement. Seven current and former heads of major publishing houses address the critical importance of words. Read.
15:09   TMC behaviour shocking, discourteous: Bengal Cong
The Congress today accused the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal of not showing any courtesy to the three MPs from the state inducted into the Union Council of Ministers in yesterday's ministerial reshuffle.

"We expected minimum courtesy from them. But they showed no courtesy at all," a Congress spokesperson said. Congress MPs Adhir Chowdhury, Deepa Dasmunshi and A H Khan Chowdhury were sworn in as Union ministers yesterday.

The Congress said the reaction expressed by seasoned and experienced leaders of Trinamool yesterday was "shocking." "Trinamool had deserted the Congress. We have not asked them to leave. They left on their own," the Cong spokesperson said.

TMC leader Saugata Roy had yesterday said the "induction of the three (Congress MPs) who were critics of Mamata Banerjee was only to needle the party."
15:02   Gadkari lashes out: Prove graft charges, I'll quit
BJP President Nitin Gadkari today lashed out at his detractors saying he was willing to quit if the corruption charges against him are proven. Gadkari has been accused of involvement in large-scale corruption in Maharashtra, rather than asking him to step down till such time as he proves his innocence, the BJP has extended support to him. 
14:40   Quick decisions, investments in petroleum ministry: Moily
Stepping into a ministry that had in recent times been attacked for slow decision-taking, the new Petroleum Minister M Veerappa Moily today promised quick decisions and creating an environment conducive for investment to flow in.

Moily, 72, who replaced S Jaipal Reddy, said his priority would be to intensify domestic oil and gas exploration to reduce import dependence that had played havoc with inflation.

"Emphasis will be on quick decision making and innovation. Decisions should not be delayed. Delaying decisions will cost the nation. We do not want any delay in decisions," he said after taking charge.
14:37   What India, Pakistan need -- a jaadu ki jhappi!
In this, the conclusion of his four-part series that gives a Pakistani perspective on India's politics, society and economy, Amir Mateen talks of how a common history, language and culture binds the two Punjabs together, though sometimes in contrasting streaks of similarities and differences, myths and realities and, most importantly, hopes and regrets. Read
14:35   'Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan is like Medina to us'
In the third of a four-part series that gives a Pakistani perspective on India's politics, society and economy, Amir Mateen recalls an Indian Sikh's lament, "Why does Pakistan not allow us to visit Kartarpur Sahib? It's like Medina to us, the holiest of holy places; how would you feel if Muslims are not allowed to visit Medina or Christians stopped from visiting Jerusalem or the Vatican?"  Read
14:24   Ganguly quits IPL: I'm 41, very tough for my body
Four years after he announced his retirement from International cricket, former Indian skipper Sourav Ganguly has called it quits from all levels of the game, deciding not to play in the IPL as well. The former India opener had continued playing first-class cricket for Bengal so as to keep in shape for his franchise Pune Warriors but after last year's debacle, Ganguly has at last decided against it.

"I will be almost 41 by the time IPL-6 ends. Twenty20 is a very demanding format. It would have been very tough for the body," Ganguly said. The left-hander also said he had made his intention clear to Pune's officials during the last edition itself.
14:21   What Khurshid means for India-Pakistan relations
Whenever India appoints a new foreign minister, the first instinct is to look for reasons why the new personality could help break years of tense relations with Pakistan.This temptation is perhaps more acute with the selection Sunday of Salman Khurshid, formerly law minister, to head India's Ministry of External Affairs. Read
14:02   Tharoor tweets: Extraordinary reception at Thiruvananthapuram
Shashi Tharoor @ShashiTharoor: Extraordinary reception at Thiruvananthapuram airport. Pushing & jostling got the better of my wife, alas,but people's enthusiasm exhilarating

Dr Shashi Tharoor who was made MoS HRD yesterday has been viewed by many party colleagues as an outsider more at home on Twitter. After two years out of the limelight, Tharoor is back with a bang. He is an MP from Thiruvananthapuram.
13:48   It's a merger! Penguin Random House takes birth
Penguin and Random House are merging to create Penguin Random House and will comprise their English, Spanish and Portuguese publishing interests, says Chiki Sarkar, publisher Penguin India.

Publisher Pearson says it has agreed a deal with German media group Bertelsmann to combine their Penguin and Random House businesses. Bertelsmann will own 53% of the joint venture while Pearson will own 47%.

The two firms said last week that they were discussing a deal. Reports have also suggested News Corporation is planning a 1bn bid for Penguin.
13:43   A long journey to peace
The opinion piece on the Hindu: An agreement on Nagaland's status will replace the lack of understanding that has long characterised the relations between the Nagas and the rest of India with goodwill. Read
13:40   Salman right fit and a combative choice
The pink slip has turned fig leaf for the discarded S.M. Krishna; he at least got his departure note right.Krishna can now credibly claim he was being sagely rather than sarcastic when he pre-empted being dumped by announcing he wanted to make way for "youngsters' who are the flavour of the season'.

Salman Khurshid, who assumes his chair in the ministry of external affairs (MEA), is almost 20 years his junior and, at 59, one of India's youngest foreign ministers. Read
13:37   The two BIG exams that Sibal flunked
Kapil Sibal's stint as human resource development minister, marked by a zeal for announcements that often led to controversies, ended rather abruptly today with all his initiatives for change in higher education still hanging fire.

Sibal and his two junior colleagues have made way for a new dispensation under M.M. Pallam Raju, who will be assisted by Shashi Tharoor and Jitin Prasada. Raju said "Kapil Sibalji has done a lot of good work and I think that needs to be carried forward.' More on Telegraph.
Bansal says rail finances are in the red and either freight rates or passenger fares may go up. For now, Bansal says passenger fares may be hiked if need be. He is set to decide in a couple of days. 
13:23   New rail minister takes charge: Fares may go up
A day after he took charge, railway minister PK Bansal says railway passenger fares may go up.  
13:20   Ashwani Kumar calls for reducing delays in justice delivery
Ashwani Kumar, who assumed charge as the country''s Law and Justice Minister on Monday, said the need of the hour is to reduce delays in the justice delivery system and to restore balance in different organs of the government.

"It is important to facilitate restoration of fine and delicate balance between the three organs of state and to reinforce rule of law and repel forces of anarchy.  It will be our endeavour in consultation with all others to secure majesty of the rule of law," he said. 

"There is a need for judicial reforms, legislative reforms and also there is a need to implement administrative reforms. I will try my best to give the right counsel and right service to the government whenever needed, so that development work does not get stalled. There are a lot of projects, which are awaiting legal advice. To take the work forward would be my priority," he added. 
13:18   4 Philippine marines, 2 militants killed in clash
Philippine marines who were searching for long-held hostages battled al-Qaeda-linked militants in a fierce clash that killed four marines and at least two insurgents in the country's south, officials said.

The fighting erupted in the mountainous hinterlands of Patikul town in Sulu province, where the Abu Sayyaf movement has survived in jungle encampments despite years of US-backed Philippine military offensives. Twenty-two marines were wounded in the daylong clash yesterday that involved up to 200 Abu Sayyaf fighters and their allies, officials said.
12:53   PM is Maun-mohan Singh, lashes out Narendra Modi
Campaigning in Himachal Pradesh, Narendra Modi calls PM Dr Manmohan Singh, Maun-mohan Singh, referring to his continued silence over key issues. Speaking at Mandi in HP, Modi says the Congress is not concerned about the common man. "The Congress is unmoved about the price rise and is unable to control inflation," he says.  
12:41   The hair trade's dirty secret
If there's one business in Britain that's bouncy, it's hair extensions -- sales are up to 60m a year and growing. But underneath all that hair there's a global tale of exploitation. Read
12:34   Govt aims to cut fiscal deficit to 3 percent by 2017: PC
Addressing a press conference this morning, finance minister P Chidambaram said that the government will attempt to cut its fiscal deficit to 3 per cent of GDP by 2017 from 5.8 percent in the 2011-12.  

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services has said India could witness a lower credit rating because of political, economic, fiscal or external factors.  

He further said that cutting down fiscal deficit will help in containing inflation and move towards high growth.  

The Finance Minister said that the Government has accepted recommendations of the Kelkar Committee on fiscal consolidation, adding that fiscal deficit will be 5.3% in 2012-13.  

We are confident of raising Rs 30,000 crore from disinvestment in current fiscal, he said. "Government is expecting current account deficit of $70.3 billion or 3.7 per cent of GDP in 2012-13,' Chidambaram said. "As fiscal consolidation and investors' confidence increases it is expected that the economy will return to the path of high investment, higher growth, lower inflation and long-term sustainability,' he said on Monday.
12:30   Ex-MLA shot dead
A former MLA of the Akali Dal, Malkit Singh Keetu, has been shot dead over a property dispute in Moga, Punjab. 
12:23   Facebook 'more addictive than sex'
Facebook and email trump sex in terms of sheer irresistibility, researchers say. The German study used smartphone-based surveys to probe the daily desires of 205 men and women, most of whom were college age.

For one week the phones, provided by the researchers, buzzed seven times daily, alerting study subjects to take a quick survey on the type, strength and timing of their desires, as well as their ability to resist them.

The study found that while the desire for sex was stronger, the study subjects were more likely to cave into the desire to use media, including email and social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Also read: The only country where FB is failing
12:19   Smoking will kill up to a billion people globally this century
Smoking, which is described as the biggest public health disaster in the history of the world with its perpetrators likened to terrorists, will kill up to a billion people worldwide this century unless governments across the world stamp down on the half-trillion-dollar tobacco industry, cancer experts have warned.
@PritishNandy Removal of Jaipal Reddy from Petroleum is very unfortunate. Like the earlier sacking of Mani Shankar Aiyer. We all know why this happened.
12:17   Monday morning blues 'just a myth'
Feeling blue on the first day of the week? Well, you shouldn't. That we are at our most miserable at the beginning of the week is a myth, researchers say. The survey of more that 300,000 people found that people's moods on Mondays are actually no worse than on any other week day barring Friday. According to the researchers of the study, the popular fixation on the idea of "Blue Monday' should be given the status of a "cultural myth'.
12:13   Reddy accused of being indecisive
RPN Singh, who has been shifted from Petroleum to Home in Cabinet reshuffle, welcomed Moily, who was among the first ones to report to their new offices this morning.  

Reddy had been accused of being indecisive and almost halting oil and gas exploration.  

Reddy's transfer to Science and Technology Ministry is seen as a demotion and reports have appeared that he was transferred for his run-in with Reliance Industries owned by Mukesh Ambani.  

Reddy refused to comment on his exit, but supporters said his options are limited.Reddy took over as the Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister last year, replacing Murli Deora.  
12:03   IAC points to Reliance for Reddy's demotion
Yogendra Yadav of India Against Corruption described the change as punishment for taking on Reliance. Reddy himself was upset over what his sympathizers called "an insult".

Reddy's arrival in the petroleum ministry in January 2011 had unsettled many as his entry was seen as a pushback against the all-pervasive influence of dominant interests.

His critics blamed him for starting a witch-hunt against the private sector and charged him with engaging in a purge of officers whom he suspected of being sympathetic to private players.

Complaints kept growing and found receptive audience in different quarters of the government, including the PMO which also grudged his socialist instincts. Reddy did not approve RIL's $7.2 billion stake-sale deal with BP, insisting on seeking clearance from the Cabinet. His stand annoyed Reliance which argued that the petroleum ministry was equipped to okay the deal on its own.

More on the TOI.
12:01   Demoted Jaipal Reddy sulks, refuses to take charge
Our sources tell us that former petroleum minister Jaipal Reddy is sulking. He has blamed his demotion to a business house and may not assume office. Reddy was expected to take up his new assignment at the science and technology ministry on Monday. The move to the relatively obscure ministry from the high-profile charge of petroleum is widely seen as a demotion.

His supporters are to gather in Hyderabad on Sunday. The question being asked is whether Jaipal Reddy will now join the Telangana brigade? 
11:43   Cabinet reshuffle like make-up before pack-up: BJP
Terming the latest Cabinet reshuffles as cosmetic change, BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu today said that it is like wearing make-up before pack up. "It is only a make-up before pack up. This government is going. Whenever elections are held, the Congress will be routed," he said. 

"It is now clear that the Congress is insensitive to criticism and no respect for probity in public life. In spite of serious charges against the ministers, some of them are retained and some are even promoted. This will not serve any purpose," he added. 

He said the government had decided to retain some ministers despite charges against them.  "Now, in order to cover up and divert the attention of the people from its failures, it has taken up cabinet reshuffle. It has failed to give any message," Naidu added. 

The government announced a major cabinet reshuffle on Sunday, where 22 ministers, including ministers of states, were sworn in.
If you're headed to Himachal Pradesh on October 31, so is Rahul Gandhi.

Here is his itinerary

Wednesday, October 31: 
12:30 hrs: Public Meeting at Ghumarwin, District Bilaspur
14:15 hrs: Public Meeting at Banikhet (Dalhousie Assembly), District Chamba.
11:29   Scindia takes charge of 'daunting challenge' of Power Min
Jyotiraditya Scindia, who look over as Power Minister today described his new job as a "daunting" challenge but hoped that he would be able to perform his duties well. Scindia, a young Congress MP from Madhya Pradesh, has been appointed as Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power in yesterday's Cabinet reshuffle.

"It is a daunting challenge and I look forward to support and guidance from both my ministry officials and my colleagues in the other departments," Scindia said after taking charge.

He said power is an extremely strategic and important sector for the country's economy. "It is a very important ministry and it is a very big challenge and a very big charge," he said.
11:27   Rahul to be crowned number 2 in Congress soon
Congress heir apparent Rahul Gandhi will soon be formally designated No.2, with organizational reshuffle to follow Sunday's ministerial rejig to complete the overhaul of the ruling establishment for the 2014 elections. Readthe report on the Times of India.
11:20   UPA should have proved majority first, then reshuffled: TMC
The Trinamool Congress (TMC) has assailed the Congress party-led UPA government for the latest reshuffle in the cabinet, saying that it should have first established its majority in Parliament and then gone for such a major decision.

"The President had a Constitutional responsibility to ask the government to prove its majority, just as the government should have done this suo motu," senior Trinamool Congress leader Subrata Mukherjee said hours after the induction of three Congress MPs from West Bengal as Ministers of State (MoS). 

"The reshuffle decision by the central government s absolutely unconstitutional and unethical. Because this is a minority government after the withdrawal of Trinamool Congress support; this is absolutely minority government, their first duty was to go to the parliament and go and vote and establish their majority till then they should avoid all this types of big reshuffles," he said
11:18   Moily cautious, promises to contain price of petroleum
Veerappa Moily on Monday assumed charge as the Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister. "It is a challenging Ministry. I will deal with issues cautiously," he said soon after taking charge. 

Earlier, Moily said that inflation in the country revolves around the prices of petroleum products, which needs to be curtailed as its burden falls directly on the common man. Moily further said that he would aim for a multi-pronged attack to curb the prices and needed to address the issue of energy security. 
11:14   Pallam Raju promises to work hard
Newly designated Minister of Human Resource Development M M Pallam Raju has said that he will work hard towards strengthening the government.
Speaking to the mediapersons hours after being sworn in as a union minister, he said his commitment would be to reinforce the government''s objectives and deliver them.
"First of all I am very grateful to the Congress president Sonia Gandhi, the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and our leader Rahul Gandhi. I am personally very grateful and I am also grateful for the confidence that has been reposed in so and me many of my colleagues from Andhra Pradesh. We will work hard towards strengthening the government and the party and for bringing a good name to the UPA government and I will, in my capacity try to do justice to the role that I have been chosen for," said Raju.

The complete coverage of the Cabinet reshuffle, as it happened, yesterday. 
11:11   Manish Tewari takes charge as I&B minister
Newly appointed Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari on Monday took charge of his ministry. 

After assuming charge, Tewari said he would try and evolve consensus on all contentious issues.  

After his appointment as the Union Minister, Tewari on Sunday had visited Congress headquarters and met senior leaders including AICC General Secretary and Media Department in-charge Janardan Dwivedi.  

Talking to reporters in New Delhi on Sunday, he maintained that self regulation is the best regulation and all stakeholders will have to take steps to move up to that trajectory.
On Twitter: @rameshsrivats Manmohan Singh: O Gursharan. I can't find my favourite kurta? | Gursharan: Don't ask me. Who asked you to reshuffle your cabinet again.
10:59   Wasn't asked to quit, nor did I resign, I was dropped: Agatha
Update on the big, big Cabinet reshuffle yesterday.
Former Union minister of state Agatha Sangma has clarified that she was neither asked to quit nor did she resign yesterday from the council of ministers. She was dropped.The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) had allegedly utilised a resignation letter signed by her three months ago when Sharad Pawar and Praful Patel had threatened to quit from the UPA cabinet. Read more
10:49   Take Hurricane Sandy very seriously, warns Obama
Both Obama and Romney cancelled events in Virginia. Romney also cancelled his New Hampshire trip, but would continue with his campaign in the battleground states of Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin '" which are away from the storm.

"This is a serious and big storm," Obama said at headquarters of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Washington DC where he had gone to review the preparedness.

"And my first message is to all the people across the Eastern seaboard, Mid-Atlantic, going north, that you need to take this very seriously and follow the instructions of your state and local officials, because they are going to be providing you with the best advice in terms of how to deal with this storm over the coming days," Obama said.

The Indian Embassy in Washington and the Indian Consulate in New York announced that their offices would be closed today due to storm.
In pictures: US East Coast Braces for Hurricane Sandy. See
10:40   Two AI flights delayed due to Hurricane Sandy
Air India today said its Mumbai-Newark and Delhi-New York flights have been "indefinitely delayed" due to Hurricane Sandy which is set to hit the East Coast of the United States.

An Air India spokesperson said AI 191 Mumbai-Newark and AI 101 Delhi-New York have been indefinitely delayed due to the hurricane. Passengers have been informed and transit passengers have been provided hotel accommodation in Delhi.

Expected to landfall tonight with a gusty wind and heavy rainfall, the hurricane is likely to create havoc in major parts of the United States in its East Coast -- from North Carolina to New England as far west as the Great Lakes. US President Barack Obama has declared emergency in a number of states including New York, New Jersey, Virginia, District of Columbia and Massachusetts.
10:35   UN headquarters shut, Nasdaq shut
In another unprecedented move, the UN headquarters in New York will remain closed today and possibly tomorrow due to the storm. All meeting at the UN were cancelled. The Nasdaq exchange also announced it would be closed today.

The city set up 76 evacuation shelters in public schools for people from low-lying areas of Coney Island, Manhattan Beach and other areas along the East River in Brooklyn in Manhattan.

The city's public schools, which cater to 1.1 million schoolchildren, were also ordered closed for Monday and the Coast Guard closed the New York Harbour.

The city's 468 subway stations, buses, rails, were also closed as officials advised people not to venture out. Utility companies warned that the hurricane could lead to power outages across several areas leaving people without electricity and heat for anywhere between 5-7 days.
10:31   Storm Sandy: Metros, buses stop, 1.1 cr affected
Three major public transportation systems in three big cities -- New York, Washington and Philadelphia -- will be closed as Hurricane Sandy threatens the East Coast.Close to 11 million commuters will be without service.In the city that never sleeps, New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority was under orders from Gov. Andrew Cuomo to begin the suspension of subway service at 7 pm. Sunday. Bus service was scheduled to stop at 9 pm. Read more here
10:22   Hurricane Sandy: NYSE shut, evacuations begin
The US East Coast braced itself to weather one of the worst storms in decades as Hurricane Sandy churned towards the densely populated areas of New York, Washington and Boston and threatened to dump inches of rain and snow, prompting evacuation of thousands of residents.

President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency for the District of Columbia, Massachusetts and New York and governors of the states in the path of the monster storm ordered mandatory evacuation of low-lying areas.

Over 6000 flights were cancelled across the country's northeast regions and 3,70,000 people were evacuated from New York city. The hurricane was expected to make landfall in the New York/New Jersey area early.

New York ordered shut down of its mass transit system, which caters to millions of passengers daily, beginning last evening, the second time in 14 months that the public transport system was brought to a halt.The New York Stock Exchange was shut as well.
09:24   BJP to pacify BSY, Kalyan Singh to make comeback?
A day after the Cabinet reshuffle, a Bharatiya Janata Party revamp is on the cards, reports CNN-IBN.

The party has initiated an exercise to put its house in order. The BJP is likely to reach out to former Karnataka CM, who said on Sunday that he is firm on quitting the party.

Kalyan Singh is also expected to make a comeback to the party after November 4.

Singh left the BJP first in 1999 but returned in 2004 just before the parliamentary elections.

He again left the party  in 2009 citing humiliation by the party and formed a new outfit. He had joined hands with his arch rival and Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections and even shunned his hardline Hindutva ideology in an attempt to project himself as a secular leader.
08:42   Hurricane Sandy: Emergency declared in US states
United States President Barack Obama has warned Americans to take Hurricane Sandy seriously as authorities started shutting down the Eastern Seaboard ahead of its arrival, reports the BBC

Several states have declared emergencies, with tens of millions of people affected as schools are closed and transport services suspended.

Officials warned that the hurricane, pushing north from the Caribbean after leaving more than 60 people dead in its wake, could disrupt life in the Northeast for days.

New York went into emergency mode, ordering the evacuations of more than 370,000 people in low-lying communities from Coney Island in Brooklyn to Battery Park City in Manhattan and giving 1.1 million schoolchildren a day off on Monday. The city opened evacuation shelters at 76 public schools.
08:36   New cabinet ministers will take charge today
The UPA inducted in 22 ministers in the council of ministers; 17 of them are first-timers yesterday. This is being seen as Team 2014.

The new cabinet ministers will take charge today.