Al Qaeda number 2 al-Libi is dead, confirms US
June 06, 2012  03:10
Al Qaeda's second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi has died in a US drone strike, the White House confirmed on Wednesday, with a top Obama aide terming it as a major blow to the this terrorist outfit.

"Al-Libi is dead," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced at his daily news conference.

However, he refused to discuss how Libi's life came to an end -- both the circumstances and the location of his death.

"I can tell you that our intelligence community has intelligence that leads them believe that Al Qaeda's number two leader is dead," Carney said amidst news reports that al-Libi died in a US drone strike in Pakistan.

"Removing leaders like al-Libi from the top of the Al Qaeda is part of the effort of the Obama Administration to defeat and dismantle the terror network," Carney said.

49-year-old Libi, considered the most-prominent figure in Al Qaeda after Ayman al-Zawahiri, carried a reward of $1 million on his head.
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